
  • nubbinbuck
    Posts: 922

    Found this posted on another forum. Thought everyone here would get a good laugh.

    From the New England Sportsman Network Web

    January 15, 2002

    William Morrissey, Director Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Division 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155

    Dear Mr. Morrissey:

    On behalf of PETA’s more than 750,000 members and supporters, as well as thefish, birds, and other animals that make Minnesota state parks their home, we respectfully request that fishing be banned in all Minnesota state parks. According to an article in U.S. News & World Report (“Parks in Peril,” July 21, 1997), the park system is bending under the pressure of encroachment, underfunding, overcrowding, and pollution. Eliminating fishing and its harmful effects would take some of this pressure off of the parks and their inhabitants.

    The violent process of fishing and its consequences do not complement the peace and tranquility of a state park. As you know, fish have a neurochemical system like ours and thus the brain capacity to experience fear and pain. Fish who are torn from the water suffer from being impaled, thrown, stepped on, or mutilated while alive. Many die slowly and painfully from suffocation.

    Fishing has other victims, too: In one case among many, a young bald eagle was found by the National Park Service, near death because of injuries to his feet caused by fishing line that had cut through his flesh, resulting in a systemic infection and intense suffering. He required intensive daily care for three months before he was successfully released. Not all animals are as lucky. Millions of birds and other animals suffer, and many die, from injuries caused by discarded fishing hooks, monofilament line, lead weights, and floats. Animals who become entangled in fishing line are often trapped underwater and drown or, unable to feed, die slowly of starvation. In fact, many wildlife rehabilitators tell us that fishing litter is the single greatest cause of injuries to aquatic animals.

    Minnesota state parks have traditionally made the compassionate choice to ban hunting, and we are asking you to take the next step. Fishing is just hunting in the water. The tide is turning on sportfishing with the widespread recognition of the sentience of fish and the desire to live a more compassionate, less harmful life. After reading the enclosed materials, we hope you will make the decision to ban fishing in Minnesota state parks and turn them into true havens for all.

    Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.


    Dan Shannon “Fishing Hurts” Campaign

    Posts: 111

    This is just further proof that these PETA idiots are just below the maggot in the food chain. JMHO.

    Posts: 229

    I also heard that The Make A Wish Foundation will no longer grant requests for hunting trips.

    Here in Milwaukee, Make A Wish sponsors a benefit fishing tournament every year to raise funds. Riding the fence a little bit hey?

    PETAs rolls are full of rich idiots who have nothing better to waste their money on.

    Like Ted Nugent said, when the crap hits the fan..BIG TIME..people from PETA will be looking for people like us sportsmen to keep their families alive.


    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    Living proof that stupid happens!

    And what does this person eat? I’ld like to know, so that I make sure that I do not eat any of the same things…

    I wonder what people like this do for fun. Hawger

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    these people (I have to use that term loosely since it includes US and THEM!)…. I just dont have words to describe their hypocracy…….. if I ever see them leading the life of lets say.. a budhist monk perhaps… then MAYBE, just MAYBE they would have a very slim leg to stand on……

    it takes no genius to figure out that “suffering” is caused by the mere fact that we go about our everday business….. how many road killed and crippled animals have you seen? does peta drive cars? bet they do….. what if they go for a walk and step on a toad, or frog, or snake.. these are all higher forms of life than fish… do you suppose these animals suffer if stepped on? bet they do…… now they will argue “intent” or “deliberate acts”… well…. Im afraid the natural world is just FULL of pain and suffering… and much of it happens to be deliberate…. I doubt if there is any real proof that fish “suffer”… and no one I know goes out of their way to torture ANYTHING…. in fact quite the opposite…… if there is in fact any suffering associated with fishing (and there is no real proof there is)…. its most likely much less than that inflicted by many other things…..

    lets take cats (just for an example)…. I bet many peta members have pet cats…. if they are allowed outside, these cute little predators are fierce killers… but they also delight in “playing” with their victims…. which are mostly birds and small mammals which are clearly able to suffer…. personally I cant stand to watch such things and have rescued a few birds and other hapless animals from the clutches of cats……. heck, most cats dont even eat them… they just bring them to your porch and let them lay… they have no need of food, its all provided by us…….

    and Im NOT picking on cats… they just do what they do, the same as any creature of nature…. its natures way….. and thats life….. this is the falacy of peta… natures way is survival, living, dying, suffering, its all part of nature.. real life is NOT a Bambi Movie….. animals dont get along as great friends, they dont talk, they dont go on adventures…. they fight for survival on a daily basis….. fisherman are the least of a fishes problems…… and peta is certainly not a solution to any problem that fish really have…. cant these people focus their energy on bigger issues? how about polution? environmental quality, speicies extinction? they seem to ignore HUGE picture items like that and worry about silly petty things like whether fish suffer when hooked?? Its so frustrating that people could have such incredibly narrow tunnel vision…

    well… I could go on and on…..

    its a good thing that these people are viewed as fruit cakes… people really should try and live in the real world….. and PETA should understand that none of us enjoy torturing anything…. that is not the intent of anyone….. in fact they should get a life.. and maybe then they would understand what life is……

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    Dear PETA,

    I respect and agree that this may be a problem that needs attention. I would like to forward my cause in the same vain. I would like to champion our new cause.

    PETL “People for the Ethical Treatment of Legumes”

    It disturbs me deeply that our friends the legumes are given no access to the right to decide if they should be eaten or not. Can you imagine the horror of some swell guy planting, watering and loving Mr. Legume only to be emotionally and physically devastated by being picked and eaten with some acidic solvent (most call this salad dressing) poured upon them. From now on I am calling for all legume and vegetable eating to come to a complete halt! The true test of a developed nation is its treatment of the legume.

    So I plead with you to STOP eating legumes and all its brethren like corn, tators, beets, carrots cabbage and alike. Let us turn the satifaction of our hunger back to our real instincts and devourer red, or white fleshy decaying meat….oh wait????????? Where does that leave us. Thats right, right back to enjoying the water and fishing!!

    Ya Gotta Love it. ;O)

    Haywood “Jeff”

    Posts: 229

    I love this board!!! You guys are geat!

    Animal rights…Animals will have rights when they start paying taxes. Not until then. Until then, it’s my right to eat them.

    Bon apetite.


    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    Hey Guys I was driving to work last week and I was following a truck with a PETA bumper sticker and I was thinking why would you ever support that, but then when I got closer I realized what it said. PETA and right under neith it was ( People Eating Tasty Animals) and I honked and right away he gave me a thumbs up. If anyone knows where I can get one of those stickers let me know.

    Nate Cadwell

    Spring Valley, Wi.
    Posts: 46

    If you guys ever get the chance read Ted Nugets’ book God Guns and Rock n’ Roll. Its very good, some parts can be a little radical but I agree with many of his ideals. Its also filled with many memorible quotes. One that stands out is ” Animals have rights, the right to butter and garlic before being tossed into the frying pan.” Don’t get me wrong I have a great respect for animals, and most of that respect comes from the time spent outdoors hunting and fishing, observing them in their enviroment, not watching them on T.V.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Do these people reproduce? If there so bent on us not being a part of nature, they should take a stand and stop reproducing! Eventually, there’d be no more people…………………well, PETA people that is! It’s the PERFECT contribution for our cause and their’s! Where’s the suggestion box?

    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    If there is a good thing about peta its the fact that they are so far off the deep end. When most people see a “Got Beer” bill board or something equally stupid it just drives them further away from peta’s cause. I read an article a few years ago written by a women from peta. She thought that we should place feeders at 1 mile intervals filled with some kind of vegetable based food. That way all the animals could come there to feed. The foxes and the rabbits could all gather around and eat together. I think these people watch a disney movie and think that’s the way nature is. Imagine a fox eating some vegetable based crap when there is a rabbit right next to him. You betcha

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Well of course! The sly fox sees the rabbit with the veggies already included!!! What a combo! :O)

    Posts: 111

    I agree Beav!!! How did we get to the top of food chain anyhow?

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    People like this are deserving of contempt. Some of their releases are amusing; others only inspire me to hate them even more (emphasis added):

    In reply to:

    It is possible to argue […] that the deaths of thousands of people whose trivial consumer satisfactions included the imposition of fundamental misery and death on hundreds of thousands of chickens reduced the amount of pain and suffering in the world.

    In conclusion, I think it is speciesist to think that the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center was a greater tragedy than what millions of chickens endured that day and what they endure every day because they cannot defend themselves against the concerted human appetites arrayed against them. Perhaps the word “tragedy” should not be used anyway in this context unless in the more precise sense of a fundamentally terrible thing happening to a human being who consciously or subconsciously brought the terrible thing upon him or herself

    I personally would choke the living crap out of anyone who had the guts to say this to my face. As the American Left strays off the radar, why is it that our politicians and media re-center to keep their voices front and center?

    Meanwhile, those who don’t want our freedoms taken away, or don’t like our money stolen (under threat of imprisonment) to support causes that we don’t agree with are painted as extremists.

    Posts: 70

    LookGianni old boy I could,nt agree with you more! Most americans are conservative ,about 70%. So Why so many left wingers? Because conservatives Don,t Vote!!!!. The nature of the left handed beast is to force thier thinking onto you. Lefties are usually intalectuals who believe that they know whats best for you. They Ca nnot sleep at night Knowing the world is not perfect (thier perfect). They run for office, in cities, states, school boards and any place policy is made. they support each other,finance each other ,scream,pickett,and will challenge any one that does not agree. The silent majority is to busy beatting out a living and has a general feeling Live & let Live. The truth is the loudest wheel gets the grease and right now , though we are the majority,they are sceaming louder! Look at your school board,are they doing the community standards or are they out thier with that left hand spending tax dollar after dollar on social programs and then look at how many votes it took to get them elected. At best probably 30 % and the city council to, but the real scoundrals are behind the scenes making policy ,not elected but appointed by other leftys and the process go,s on and on. I,m not saying that the extream right is any better, they have the same thinking (I know whats best for you just ask), but it appears the left is winning right now.

    Posts: 85

    If we were not meant to eat animals, God would have not made them out of meat. Peta is sure-fire proof that we need more chlorine in the gene pool. They have no concept of overpopulation and disease related to this. They have no idea (and no need to research, just cuz they say so) that the snow goose is eating itself out of house and home and the small goslings cannot mature in the far north because the adults have eaten all the food. The far lefties can survive and prosper because they prey on basic human ignorance and the inability of people to think for themselves. Plus its such a cute and fuzzy, warms the cockles of your heart to think Mr. Brer Rabbit and Wile E. Coyote can co-exist and eat from the same lil food box. My daughter tells me stories that come from her school and I just scratch my head, these people got teaching certificates….good gawd…mail order correspondence courses I guess…..rambling here, got me upset and had to fire off……good posts folks…..


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    This was in the St. Paul paper today, and the DNR kindly refused their request…


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    All I can say, if they think fishing hurts, come hang out in the local pub back home one night. We’ll show what real rednecks we are…….As you can tell, I have little tolerance for a terroristic group like PETA. I’m really hoping as we see law changes due to Sept 11 we’ll be able to use these laws to weed out groups like PETA. Stand up, voice your opinion, that’s fine with me, it’s yours and my right. The first time I catch one of them breaking and entering my property to release the “chickens” it’s gonna be shoot first and ask questions later. We’ve got a lot of fence post holes back home that need some fertilizer!!!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    My personal PETA group is “People Eating Tasty Animals”.

    I know it’s old, but it works!

    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    I have only one response to these IDOITS!!

    Traditional Breaded Fish Fillets

    8 boneless fish fillets (Walleye, Sauger, panfish or your favorite!)

    1 cup seasoned flour (1 cup flour, 2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. black pepper)

    1 cup egg wash ( 2 Eggs, 1 Cup milk)

    2 cups cracker crumbs ( Crush up fine)

    Coat fish fillets in seasoned flour. Shake off excess flour. Dip in egg wash and shake off excess. dredge fish fillets in cracker crumbs. In a electric fry pan or deep fryer, heat vegetable oil to 375*. fry fish in oil until brown and crispy. drain well on a paper towel. Serve with lemon and your favorite tartar sauce.

    Call someone from peta and let them know how much you enjoyed it!!!!


    Rochester Minn
    Posts: 339

    swany—-all you folks– you gotta try peanut oil for deep fat frying its really good and better for the body. Try it you’ll like it! Jim

    Rochester Minn
    Posts: 339

    swany / all you guys. When you deep fat frying fish, use peanut oil its really good and good for you. I picked it up frying wild turkey its great. Jim

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Throw in a 12 pack of recyclable bottles or cans of your favorite hops and barley mixture, and a few good friends, and you will have three or four people having a really good time, and paying numerous $$$$$ in license and conservation fees while doing it!!!! How much has PETA paid? How much time and efforts have they spent to teach our youngsters how to respect and protect our evironment, to preserve it for ourselves, and our kids! We use it AND protect it for the most part! We pay to have lakes stocked! We tax and fine industry for not complying with toxic waste emissions, and we work with them to get them back on track! We dont blow them up, or take enforcement into our own hands……Oh, oh, here I go again…


    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    I Gotta do 1 for game

    Please share with a peta member near you!!!!

    #1 hunt and shoot a rabbit ( other wild game will do!!)

    12 pieces cubed wiid game. ( A fox thats dined on rabbit will do!)

    1 Cup seasoned flour. ( 1Cup flour, 2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper)

    1/4 Cup butter

    1/2 Cup red onion…diced

    8 fresh mushrooms quartered

    2 Cups brown gravy

    1 Cup sour cream

    remove all fat and silver skin from game. Slice into 1-2 oz. cubes. place game into seasoned flour mix and coat. Shake off excess flour. Place butter into a large frying pan and bring to a slow bubble. Add game slices and cook until browned on all sides. Add onions and mushrooms and cook for 1 min (or so) Add brown gravy and sour cream. simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. Serve with wild rice or your favorite pasta.

    A hearty merlot would serve very nice with this dish. Don’t forget to invite your fishing / hunting buddies!!!!!



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