Recent tragic happenings…

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    You may have heard recently of the loss of a couple of Pool 3&4 River Rats Dennis Evans of Hastings and Denny Portz of Woodbury. The two lost their lives a few weeks ago while duck hunting on Spring Lake, a backwater on Pool 2. Their boat capsized, and both drowned. There is a benefit this Friday night at the Hastings KC Hall where they will have a silent auction, and other activities, and food. I know of at least two guns in the mix..Also, Rick Squires, one the of the best sticks on the river NOT to fish a tournament was knocked off of a scaffolding by a crane in Brooklyn Park last week. He suffered a broken neck, ribs, and is now battling pnuemonia. It is unknown if he has suffered any paralasys yet due to a induced coma. Rick is almost as well known as the structure in Buffalo Slough in these parts! He has taught me a ton about fishing the area, and I owe a lot to him! He lost his Dad and a brother a few years back. The family has suffered through enough tragedy, please keep him in your prayers!

    Rush City Mn
    Posts: 51

    I just want to post a message about these guys.

    I did not know them well. In fact! None of them would even know me. But they did touch my life! I grew up in Hastings, and had many a morning hunting down at North Lake. That is where I first met Dennis Evans and Denny Portz. They were always friendly and offered up advice to this green horn. In fact, when it came time to buy my own first set of decoys, These two guys gave me a GREAT deal on my first set of decoys! They even have There names on the bottoms yet, and so this fall throwing them out took on a whole new meaning.
    The Squires family, First I want to say that I am terribly saddened to hear of his accident. Rick I had only met a few times, But his dad! I had the pleasure of meeting him numerous times, even saw his shack in the bottoms. So many memories that bring a smile to my face!
    I for one am gonna do my darndest to get there on Friday!

    Cory Frantzick

    Posts: 304

    Tuck.Thanks for the update.I hadn’t heard about Rick.My son and his son Nick are good friends.I’ll have to send him a card.I’ll see you at the Denny Evans benefit.Mike

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 9

    The Benefit for Denny Evans Family will
    Be on Saturday Dec 13th – NOT Friday…
    Everyone is welcome to the silent auction at 1pm
    the dinner is a $25 adv purchase or $35 at the door..
    That gets you into a drawing for augers, ice house, underwater camera and more….
    There is a dollar drawing for the two guns and a deer head mount…


    Kriss Donker
    Hastings Outdoors

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Krissy, What time is the dinner? I have to work till 6 that night,and would like to come.Don’t forget to mention the dance afterward. Good night for a date with the wife and help out a outdoor family!

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