Couple of thoughts on this article:
First, the author did not mention how far from the Dam the closure will stretch. Quarter Mile, Half mile? Mile? All the way to the next Dam? If it’s only several hundred feet like at Red Wing, the closure will do nothing.
Second, if this is the right thing to do, why not all they way up the river? (Every Dam) If it’s determined that catch and release mortality is the cause for the declines since 1996 why not?
and a couple of quotes from the article.
“The action is being proposed after an Iowa study found mortality of sauger increased from 50 to 60 percent in the 1980s and early ’90s to 75 to 85 percent beginning in 1996.”
“Biologists think the problem is due to the catch and release of thousands of injured, small sauger after they were caught in deep water and brought tothe surface, said Mike Conlin, who heads the Department of Natural Resources fisheries division. The quick change in pressure extends their swim bladders out of their mouths.”
Jon J.