
  • Batman09
    Posts: 121

    How is the ice comming along near Genoa?
    Greeen, Stoddard, Lancing IA, LaCrosse…..

    Thinkig of making a trip up that way the 13th

    Eastman Wi
    Posts: 349

    They are fishing on green and have seen a few on the south end of cold springs.Haven’t heard any reports as of yet.

    Good Luck

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    The La Crosse area had some good ice over the weekend being 2-3 inches. It was still necessary to pick around with a spun to avoid some thin spots.

    I have not been out to check conditions since Sunday so I am not sure what this snow is doing to the ice. Sunday’s snow did push down the ice in the area AmWatson and I fished so I know I will give that spot awhile to freeze up again.

    I have to believe with the weather coming up for the end of the week, most of the community holes, such as Stoddard, on pool 8 will be good to go. I would still advise using a spud though while walking out.

    Posts: 121

    cant wait, cant wait!

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Me either shack is loaded and just waiting to get out…

    Wats – remember me feels like it has been over a year since we talked

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    John – I’m thinking about getting out Friday at noon for a couple of hours, why don’t you come with, I’ll follow you out. Don’t run and tell your wife either, this will be a covert operation, Mary thinks I’m working until 3.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Checked 2 spots quick on the way home tonight. Things are going to be in good shape around La Crosse this weekend.

    Just keep an eye open for the wet spots just under the new snow With that said…..for us weekend warriors, with this cold snap coming now it is looking real good

    Posts: 121

    Where are the holes at Lacrosse? I’ve fished a culvert just south of town once. The only reason we stopped there was because of all the trucks. I hate to drive arround all day looking for spots when we drive 380+ miles just to get there.

    Posts: 5130

    Hey John – I figured you would be coming around now that we have some ice

    All I know is I am ready to hit the ice again this weekend. After working all week, I need some ice time to unwind
    Hopefully, my flasher will be here by the weekend so I am not fishing blind again

    Posts: 5130


    I hate to drive arround all day looking for spots when we drive 380+ miles just to get there.

    380+ miles????
    That is hardcore

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