Interesting Catch

  • nubbinbuck
    Posts: 922

    Angler receives citation

    By BOB LAMB / Tribune Outdoors Editor

    Did you hear about the 25-inch brown trout that was caught from the Mississippi River below the Dresbach Dam last week?

    It’s rare to catch a trout, albeit a large one, from the Mississippi River. More important, it was illegal in this case.

    The incident was reported to the DNR Hotline (1-800-847-9367) on Tuesday, Nov. 27, by another angler who watched a man keep the fish.

    Russ Wilson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources conservation warden in La Crosse, eventually issued the angler a citation for $234.65.

    Wilson said the illegal activity occurred in Minnesota, but because Wisconsin and Minnesota trout fishing seasons are both closed and that a Minnesota warden was unavailable to respond to the call, Wisconsin wardens made the arrest.

    “It happened below the Dresbach Dam near the short wall,” Wilson said. “The guy was fishing from a boat, jigging for walleyes and sauger.”

    Wilson said the angler showed the trout to several fishermen at the dam.

    “Initially, he didn’t know what it was. Someone said it was a brown trout, told the guy to keep it and he did,” Wilson said.

    Another fisherman in a different boat called the DNR Hotline.

    “The guy reported the boat registration number. We ran a check on the number and went to the residence,” Wilson said. “The person who caught the fish was actually a neighbor of the guy who owned the boat.”

    Wilson said the guilty angler, fined for possessing a trout during a closed season, was cooperative and somewhat embarrassed by the incident. However, he still received a ticket. Wilson added that it wasn’t necessary to reveal the person’s identity in this situation. What’s more important is to make others aware of the consequences.

    “The point is that first, it’s unusual to catch a trout up there,” Wilson said. “Second, and most important, is that if you catch a fish and don’t know what it is, or you don’t know the regulations, it’s better to release the fish.”

    Wilson said that Lake Michigan brown trout grow much larger than the 25-inch male that the angler caught below the Dresbach Dam.

    “A stream brown trout in excess of 25 inches is large. Females get bigger, but for a male, this is large,” Wilson said. “I’ve only seen trout caught a couple of other times from the Mississippi River. Once was at Dresbach, an 18- or 19-incher. The other one was from the tubes at Goose Island in the spring. I imagine the fish was flushed out of a creek in the high water.”

    Wilson said the huge trout is being held at the La Crosse DNR office and may be mounted for educational purposes.

    “It had a big, hooked jaw,” Wilson said. “Actually, it was kind of ugly

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    I caught a 10-12 incher (brown) below the Reno Spillway casting for whitebass and smallies. This was a few years back. It was all discolored. I was amazed!

    Jim W

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    I am all for conservation but…….

    The incident was reported to the DNR Hotline (1-800-847-9367) on Tuesday, Nov. 27, by another angler who watched a man keep the fish.

    Russ Wilson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources conservation warden in La Crosse, eventually issued the angler a citation for $234.65.

    What if the guy just politely told the fella that trout season is closed…… He might have actually thought it was legal to keep the fish……. sounds like it was a mistake,,, christ he was showing the fish off……. could have saved the poor s.o.b $234.65 part of bieng a good sportsman in educating as well as reporting…….

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    You know, part of me says “Ditto” Mav. I was thinking the same thing. It did seem kind of rotten. The guy was borrowing a boat from a buddy for a day on the water… maybe not farmilliar with the laws of either State… But I used to be a part time cop for 8 years, and ignorance can’t be used for an excuse. I would have done what you would have, I would have politely told him that trout seasons were closed in both States, and it was a “No-No”. Take a pic, and set him free…


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18882

    I caught a 16″ brown in the Cannon and released it of course.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m with you guys, tell the guy he is wrong first. If he doesn’t believe you then call the DNR on the him. Not that is makes it right, but I would hope if you guys saw me doing something that was wrong you tell me. If I don’t believe you then let me suffer the consequences.

    Don’t get me wrong I know he broke the law so he has to pay the price. Does a warden have to write a ticket in this instance?? Can he just confiscate the fish and slap his hand?? I know in high school, the local authorities used to make us dump the beer out and send us on our way. What do some of you other guys think???

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18882

    I think its kinda hard to issue a warning once the game has been dispatched. If the guy was caught with it in his live well and didn’t know, I think a warning would be warranted. I believe, when most people get caught breaking a game law, they stretch the truth or make up a story to save their butts and the wardens know this. I think most of them are also sick of the “ignorance of the law’ excuse becasue of the previous statement. That’s why I strive to know the laws and when I don’t, try to err on the side of caution. I’m also not afraid to ask fellow fisherman on the water if I don’t know.

    ps-If ignorance of the law worked everytime I would definitely try carp fishing with my 30-30. haha(but serious)


    Edited by Suzuki on 12/06/01 06:52 PM.

    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    I Got a 15inch brown last spring up near the dam I took a picture because I knew no one would believe me otherwise. sure was a suprise though I guess thats what I get for skipping work to go fishing.


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