Hey Mike, They have been slayin the saugers on the left side of the dam over towards the alma fishing float…Everything has been workin….River Rigs,vertical jiggin,draggin..etc….Stop by the Main Channel bait store in alma.an we will help ya out.
I have been finding a good concentration of eater WALLEYES 15-20″ this last week. Between my friend and I on Sunday we had 17 Keeper Walleyes. Most of my time has been out in the main channel pulling leadcore or jigging with plastics or hair jigs. Side cuts have also put fish in the boat. Look for cuts that have descent current running through them. Most of my time has been no where near the dam. Like Flick said I am sure you can pull more details out of my ol’ man at the bait shop. I will be out on Saturday again so if you see me stop and say HI.