FTR Visitor Pic – Pool 5 MUSKY!

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    A bit back there was some discussion of the presence of musky in the Mississippi River and why they’re not more prevelent. This pic, sent out to us by Randall Charbonneau, shows Wayne Thesing of Lacrosse, WI with a 44 inch 22 lb Muskie caught (7-13-01) on Pool 5 near Winona MN. This fish was released after the photo.

    Thanks a bunch for the pic.

    Maybe the reason we’re not catching musky is that none of us are fishing BIG enough to attract musky?! Hmmmmmmm.

    EFN Webstaff

    St Paul MN
    Posts: 223

    This is really cool.

    A few years ago my cousin caught a musky from pool 5 that was about 35 inches. Maybe its the same fish? LOL

    Great pic!!!!!!!!


    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    Isn’t pool 5 the Alma Area and not Winona?

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