Mike was on cloud 9 all weekend. He came along to help uncle Greg with the BB/BS Day and got to go do some fishing himself and was he ever a ”hot” stick that day. The next day [Sunday] we let him go through the line of tackle boxes with built in radios, and picnic tables full of fishing tackle for the kids and he picked out a free rod [the same line of goodies ALL the BB/BS kids went through] and now he will be even more dangerous on the water. So look out fish!! Thanks, Bill
One of the best scenes of Mike this weekend wasn’t caught on camera. Before the event had hardly gotten underway, he comes running up from the landing, onto the road, and comes a truckin’ toward the group……………with a walleye in his hand! A NICE ONE TOO! Took a quick pic with it and then ran the bridge as fast as he could to release the fish!
Hey Bill Thanks for posting Mike pictures! We had two very good days..He really wore me out on day two. I’m still trying to wipe the smile off his face. You guys put on a Great show for all the kids…There was a huge amount of smiles on that shoreline. GOOD JOB GENTLEMEN!!!!!! Thank you for our envolvement