I fished some backwaters south of Wabasha yesterday and got into a pretty nice pike. When we got the fish netted and in the boat we found that a lamprey had come in with it and dropped off when it realized that it was out of the water….like they do on lake trout in Superior. Upon a bit of an inspection of the pike we found four wounds that are like those I see on Lake Trout in L.Superior and all were recent with one being bloody.
This critter was about 5-6 inches long and it looked identical to those found in Lake Superior. Somewhere I thought I had read that we have some small lampreys that are and have been common in this area, but in all my years of fishing the river and the Rochester area waters I have never seen one.
We see so much about our natural waterways being assaulted by devious foriegn entities that it got me wondering if lampreys could have gotten shuffled into the big river system somehow. Wouldn’t that be a mess to try and resolve, given all the tributaries and watersheds that enter the Mississippi.