Get your gas now !…….my neighbor manages a gas station in rochester She said she is to raise prices 10 cents aday for 3 days! …..and rumor has it it is going to get alot worse than that!

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Get your gas now !…….my neighbor manages a gas station in rochester She said she is to raise prices 10 cents aday for 3 days! …..and rumor has it it is going to get alot worse than that!
The news on TV just said that gas in one city in Kansas was $5.00 per gallon.
Was just told that gas was $3.00 per gallon in Dodge Center by a person who lives there. Thank goodness for kicker motors. Uses less gas. Electric motors use even less..
Easy boys…..CNN just said rumors of rising gas prices are just that….rumors. They said the rush on gas stations across the nation is nothing more than some unfounded panic. Here in Milwaukee people have drained some of the gas stations already because of the rumors. Local TV also says that there is no reason to panic and that gas prices aren`t expected to go more than a few cents higher…NOT 5 dollars a gallon.
Tuck called me and left a voice message that stated the gas prices near him had already jumped to $5 a gallon. He said he saw it with his own eyes. I do pray this is only a rumor but…. Go now!
James Holst
Moving Waters Guide Service
Sounds like somebody trying to make the best of a pitiful situation. Gas here in Milwaukee is $1.76-$1.79
let’s not create our own gas shortage by over buying, then it will go up. get it if you need it, but let’s not over react. thanks Jack.
Gas here in Cedar Falls, IA is still $1.59. And I talked to a kwik star manager that said he has heard nothing of prices going up yet. Still a 1/2 hour to a hour wait to get gas though
Here is KC gas indeed was $5.50 to $7.00 at some stations. Pandemonium, cops at all stations for crowd control and break up pump rage. I filled up the ole ladies rig for 1.60 and KS state Atty Gen said he is gonna kick some bottoms tomorrow on gougers……Should not be going that high.
Here in Lancaster the price is still 1.79. I would have to guess that the places that are charging 4 or 5 bucks a gallon are taking advantage of the hysteria over the trajedy of today. It’s too bad that some people look at this trajedy as a way to make extra bucks. I will continue to patronize those that did not take advantage of the trajedy.
We actually had some stations lower their price to 1.02 to pay ease the pain of this day. Local authorities here in hicksville Illinois suggeted taking note of the rif raf station gouging prices and NEVER visit them again! We did have some jump to $4-5, but most did not. We need to drive the scallpers out of business!
Checked around town this morning….$1.77
Hope we all have a better day today than yesterday.
I was just at the Kwik Trip in winona, gas has gone up .30 from yesterday it is now $1.93
This is BULL SH*! It is nice to see that oil companys have no problem using terror as another way to stick it to us.
I do understand supply and demand BUT with what happend this reaction to fill always happens and is short lived. This is no excuse for gas to climb for weeks or more.
Just the idea that our own US companys will profiteer from such a terrrible situation is almost more outragous!!!
I can only suggest that you make a mental note of anyone who chooses to gouge us at this time and never return. The prices in Burnsville ranged from 1.73 – 1.93 this morning on my way in. I didn’t notice anyone stations that were out of line. If you see one, let me know. They will not get my business!!!
The Holiday station on 7th in St Paul was $1.75 this morning. A co-worker said the Fleet Farm in Oakdale had theirs up to $5.00. Why gouge us??? One theory is that they were low in their tanks and raised the price to keep people from draining the supply. Any way you look at it , it stinks!!!
6am today, the price 2 blocks from my home in Luxemburg the cost was $1.68.
20 miles down the road in Clearwater, Mn on 94 it was $2.50.
The public panic and gougers will cause a artificial spike in the price. I heard on the news this morning a price freeze was on to settle people down a bit.
They are urging everyone in La Crosse not to panic as well. I just talked to my brother who is a store manager and he says yes fuel is going up but it is ONLY because people are buying so fast that the demand is off the charts. Think about it If people just acted normally, there would be no price hike. I understand the concept that its everyone for themselves and get it now because yes it is going to go up sharply Im told. But that is only because of rapidly dwindling supply.
Steve Hougom – FTR Webstaff
Radio with Governor McCallum just a minute ago……he has set up an 800 number to report any stations charging over $2 a gallon. Those stations will be cited for price gouging!! He called it unAmerican…which it is. Remember any place that hiked their prices and tell them to stick their gas up their A$$
I talked with a local attendant last night, after my dad called and tried to throw the panic in me, and he said that stations lifting their prices over $2.00 were breaking the law and that the Freedom stations in Hudson, at that time, had not announced any change in fuel costs. Numerous reports today stating that there is no oil shortage and the Arabic prices have not changed. To change it in the heat of our tragedy could invoke war………………..something most, if not all, the Arabic countries want to avoid with us. The Gulf War effort is remembered for the stampeding, nearly unchallenged operation that it was. Kuwait was freed in no time. These people are smart enough to back off of any hurtful actions toward the U.S…………………they do fear this nation’s military power.
The lovely internet, that we all enjoy here at FTR so much, was the rumor instigator yesterday and there are confirmed reports of the price hikes TRYING to curb your business. So don’t be so hard on the companies that jumped to a ridiculous price. They should’ve just closed to prevent any unwarranted purchases, but the intent is crowd control. The way I see it, if you’re willing to pay $4-$6 a gallon, you’re head isn’t on straight.
Those prices would kill our economy and the collapse would again, invoke war. You have to sit back sometimes and look at the big picture. Y2K is a great example of that. World panic, total uncertainty, brought on by a book writer’s article of “what if’s”. Anything capable of dropping ANY country to absolute chaos will not be tolerated by NATO and someone will step in or go to war.
My advice, just sit tight for while. Watch and observe carefully. Media is a shaky thing more often than not so don’t jump to any quick “disasters” for an entire nation, economically speaking.
$1.55 in KC today….no worries, its settling back down now.
Whew……didnt wanna have to grease up the bike…..not in shape to do that action….lol
I run a brand oil jobbership and prices have not changed 1 cent yet stay away from the pumps and stop the panic and we will be just find everyone freaking out is just what the terrorists wanted so don’t fuel it and turn this stations that have this prices so high to the state att. general
heard on the radio about a gas station in indiana that was charging $10(!!!) a gallon – how crazy people are getting!!! (also heard that 6 cars actually paid that price)
It is kinda funny that OPEC and the big oil companies in other countries have lowered price per barrel almost half over night on the markets and said that Americans will not have to worry about huge gas prices. Now for the sick part are gas stations feel they have raise the prices over night. but the really sick part we have been hit by the domestic terroist the the gas station, with are weak market as it was before the attacks the gas stations will destroy us with in. just think how would you ask for a raise during this time just to pay five bucks a gallon of gas. Their I have vented and will get off the soap box.
Jigger 2001
Report anyone who is gouging gas prices to your local or state authorities. Already, Casey’s chain has had a suit filed against them in the State of Illinios for $4.00 plus gas and they (Casey’s) are doing some serious backpeddling including refunding over-charged customers. This is beyond stupid. It is uncalled for. I saw the gas lines going home last night and thought that there is no way that this is justified. Personally, I will no longer do business with the places that tried to do this to us.
Kwik Trip in rochester lowerd thier prices 3 times today…..I think all the gas stations are getting the message loud and clear from ameicans and the atterny general…. In no way was this to be a post to get peole parinoid over gas prices……I just got a tip from a friend who runs a gas station that was told to raise prices for the next 3 days……I just thought I would pass that tip on, knowing alot of people on this site have trucks and boats(gas hogs)….. Keep the faith and report all gas gougers.
You didn’t start the panic Predator 2……………….it was all over the news, the internet, showing up in print…………my sister set off her family and they set off my parents and the domino effect was in the making. It was enough to make me check it out, but I got some good advice and stuck with that “gut” feeling. I knew 9 months before Y2K hit that it was really not a big thing. It was real, but not anything to crash the planet! Still, my parents and siblings chose to bunker up and buy all the canned goods and water their budget would allow. Every now and then, I put an elbow in the ribs and ask how the veggies are coming along!!! LOL! Anyway, not that I’m that smart, I just keep one eye on those that are and try to pay attention when it counts.
However, this shows how vulnerable the American people are! I hope we handle ourselves better when a “real” national crisis hits.
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