• haywood04
    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    Could there be a sadder day in the United States?

    It is a real perspective on what is important as an individual and a member of a great country.

    This is a day in my lifetime and for some older individuals a second day which will live in infamy!

    Lets remember all the victims and their families in our paryers.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Once again, we’ve been made a mockery, and to be honest…………..I cried today. I don’t know God’s purpose in this, but it would appear that it’s at the very least, a reminder to us all, of our human condition, our helpless control over destiny, and our need for a spiritual rebirth to this biblically founded nation. I can’t change a nation, but I can work on myself, and work with my family towards the awareness of all our dark sides. We all look for blame, and though it is difficult, I do find comfort in the sovereignty that this all plays into His final purpose. I’m only mortal, therefore my comprehension is limited, my vision challenged, but faith has the power to overcome even death.

    Today is a good day to reflect on what really needs to change within ourselves, our communities, and our country.

    And freedom. It’s not about free will, but a constant fight towards the preservation of rights of a people established in a nation founded under biblical principles. It’s not easy and I’m not trying to say I’m perfect………………I as far off target as anyone, but I do know the history books and history is once again repeating itself through the ignorance of those unwilling to acknowledge the wisdom of those years above and before us.

    It’s a good day to believe, but a sad one to live.

    Sorry so long but again, though unpopular, it needed to be said.


    Very bizarre. I was on my way to the airport with Bass Gal who was going to be flying to Nashville this morning. Needless to say, the airport was shut down. It was going to be her first air plane flight. Thoughts and prayers to all of those affected by this.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Not the least bit unpopular with me. I agree with all of your post. I cannot fathom the evil which precipitates such an act, but I can embrace the Love which can save all from this evil. I agree it is a time to reflect, take stock and refocus on the truly important things in life.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am a veteran, and have very strong feelings (As we all do) about this situation. There are a lot of families that need our prayers and support right now. Man, if they would take a 40 year old, out of shape guide back into the Army to start the hunt….I’d be there in a minute! I am just shocked!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Unbelievable!!!!Thoughts and prayers go out to all.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I’d join your posse in the same minute! I was never in the military, but I’m a hunter with good aim!

    n. st. paul,mn
    Posts: 57

    You might as well consider the whole United States as a posse . I just hope that paybacks, which are due, prove a point too whoever is involved and to these arab countries that harbour these cowardly, evil, dead men that times are changin,the sleeping GIANT has been awakend.Prayers to all !

    Posts: 2

    It is crazy, I was on a plane ready for take off and we were

    pulled back to the airport. I can’t wait to get home and kiss

    the ground and the family. Hope to be home tomorrow.

    Minocqua, Wi
    Posts: 554

    We all will rember this day in history. Such a very sad day. This just makes me glad that I am a simple man living in the rural areas.

    Posts: 229

    It doesn`t matter if you live in the country or the city, nobody will be the same after what happened today.

    I hope those people dancing on the west bank celebrating this are having a good time. I have a feeling that their party will be short lived. We`ll see how much dancing they`re doing when it comes time for the guilty people to pay for what they`ve done. I hope they get paid back 10,000 to 1.

    Back in the early 70`s, when I was in high school and hair to my shoulders, I would have done anything to stay out of the jungles of Vietnam. But if somebody showed up at my door today and asked me to go, I`d kiss my wife and daughter goodbye, grab my 7`08 sniper rifle and catch the first plane to Afghanistan. You don`t butcher innocent civilians in my country and get away with it. Those religious extremeists can rub eachother out til there are none left and I don`t care….but not in my country you don`t.

    I hope our government takes care of all involved. Swiftly and seriously.

    My prayers go out to all those affected by this act of cowardice.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 73

    As veteran as well, I’m with you Tuck! We have to do something about this [censored]. If this doesn’t make some people angry, I quit! Hopefully this will pull our country together. Sure does put a lot of things into perspective. God bless the families.

    St Paul MN
    Posts: 223

    I can’t even begin to write how sad and outraged I am. My prayers are with all the people directly affected by this. It is time to round up all these scoundrals, and let the american public deal with them PERSONALLY.


    Posts: 152

    GOD BLESS AMERICA ……. As a christian I don’t beleive in blood shed………..But I do beleive in blood shed to prevent blood shed of innocent people. I pray for those families of the loved ones lost and I pray for those hurt and I pray that the right people are the ones that get caught in our fury that is to come. God have mercy on their souls.

    “there is atime for everything”

    The sleeping giant is wide awake!

    Don’t Tread On Me!

    Edited by predator 2 on 09/11/01 06:43 PM.

    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    A very sad day for sure. What stillakid2 said is so very true. We have no promise of tomorrow so we must be sure our hearts are right with the Lord. This thing could get very ugly with war and more terrorist attacks. We need to all pray for our country and the world. May God be with us all. Bill

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    I’m not a vet. I’m not well traveled. I’m probably not that smart compared to some. MN/US home-grown,…. 38 years. With that in mind, I can tell you “it don’t take a rocket scientist” to know that we all better pray, …..that whomever was behind this evil act,….. that they do not or are not representatives of one of the worlds “countries.” God fobid,…. WW-III !!!!

    Whomever is responsible could probably live longer as terrorists. Without doubt….without remorse….God bless America. …… And if necessary, show this old boy where to sign up. …..Dont’ forget to PRAY for peace either.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    I am a not at loss for words.

    I too am very sad and have had a hard time functioning today.

    When I was called in off the computer this morning, to see what had happend to the first tower, I told the wife this was no accident, and that there would be more to come. She could not beleave me, but moments later, she was calling me back into the room to see an instant replay of the second plane hitting the second tower. I told her then, that the White House would be next and there were to be other targets, was my fear. From then on we could not leave the tv. Then the rest came…I wanted to race to the school to get my three kids! My three adopted Russian kids ment more to me at that moment that I can find words to relate. Jessie came on and said for the schools not to close, so I decided to let them remain there. I watched tv most of the morning with my truck keys in my hand….

    What has gone through my mind all day is how blessed I am, and how very fortunate we all are here in America the cowards did not have nukes. I say did not have, and I pray they do not still have.

    My two cents… I will turn in the poachers, report the road rageers, help bust the dealers, testify against thiefs… do all I can not to become complacent and apithetic.

    Remember the quote that justice for Oaklahoma would be just and swift? I will not vote for anyone ever again who will reduce our military, only for one who vows to stringthen it and our national security. And will strive to elect the man who runs on a platform of “you mess with the bull – you get the horns” and vowes to fast-fry any terrorist, local, national, international. Our votes can change our future and thank God we that did survive, still have one. Keep heads up and your eyes peeled! We all got a job to do.


    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    This is really sick!!!!

    Wednesday, September 12 2:50 AM SGT

    “Bullseye,” say Egyptians as they celebrate anti-US attacks

    CAIRO, Sept 11 (AFP) –

    Egyptian students, taxi drivers and shopkeepers crowded round television sets stacked up in electrical store windows in downtown Cairo Tuesday evening, celebrating a string of elaborate attacks on New York and Washington.

    “Bullseye,” commented two taxi drivers as they watched footage of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York shrouded in plumes of smoke after two presumably hijacked planes slammed into them earlier in the day.

    Another Egyptian man, Gawish Abdel Karim, told AFP he was pleased with the wave of violence in which another plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, the heart of the US defence establishment.

    “Nice work,” said Abdel Karim, who drives a car for an Asian embassy.

    “The Americans have forgotten that God exists. They have us by the throat and now they find themselves in a science fiction film scenario, but this time Rambo’s not there to save the White House.”

    Anti-US sentiment has mushroomed on the streets of Egypt and other Arab countries over its widely-perceived support for Israel over the Palestinians in the past 11 months of violence in the Middle East.

    As with other US facilities around the world, workers at US government offices and Egyptian citizens were taking security precautions, with only “non-essential” operations set to be covered on Wednesday.

    However, US officials said there had been no credible or specific threat against US citizens or interests here.

    Abdel Karim hailed the attacks as “the best thing that’s happened since the October War,” referring to the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war when Egyptian forces made a surprise attack on the Israeli army across the Suez Canal.

    “Mabruk! Mabruk! (congratulations)”, shouted a crowd of people huddled round the shop window.

    Egypt, considered one of the “moderate” countries in the Middle East, is one of the United States’ strongest allies in the region, being the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.

    But people on the streets do not necessarily see themselves as US allies.

    “The Americans are cowards. They use other countries to hit us. They don’t have the courage to meet us face to face,” said Khalil Matar, 43, who works in a state-run soap factory. “The myth of the indestructible United States has gone up in smoke.”

    Polytechnic student Amira Ryad also vented her anger.

    “We saw the tower crash down,” she said, referring to one of the two towers of the World Trade Center, both of which were razed by the attack.

    “I only wish (US President) George Bush and his dear little baby (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon had been buried in there too,” she added.

    Fellow student Murad went as far as speculating that the United States was behind the attacks, “to find an excuse for the National Missile Defence system” that Bush wants to deploy to protect the United States from so-called rogue states, despite widespread global opposition.

    “Those people are capable of killing their own people to prove they’re right,” he said.

    Egyptian President Hosni “Mubarak should know that the people can no longer be humiliated, but of course he’ll never declare war” on Israel, the student said.

    Another taxi driver said he was going to make special prayers to thank him for the attacks against the US.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I can’t even convey how mad I am. Apparently this keyboard didn’t come equipped with the words I need to find to communicate this saddness and sense of disbelief that such an act could ever even be contemplated, much less carried out. All the families, thousands of families, that either ceased to exist or were forever shattered in the blink of an eye, died at the hands of cowards. When I saw the images of those in the middle east CELEBRATING today…… it was too much. I couldn’t believe it. I wish I could help somehow….. I wish we all could. Go there and help lift and dig and comfort and somehow make the suffering stop.

    No effort can make this hurt go away.

    So far all the politicans are saying exactly what I guess I personally want to hear right now. There will be retaliation. Those harboring these terrorists will FINALLY be held accountable. These things are yet to come. They may or may not come to pass.

    What has happened is that a terrorist group of cowards FAILED, yes, absolutely FAILED to accomplish their primary goal. They had hoped to change the way we lived our lives forever….. afraid. I’m not afraid. I’m mad. Very, very mad. And for the first time in my life I know what it is to be a person with a national identity. I thought I knew…. I didn’t. I would fight and die for anyone of those people in those buildings. If it comes to fighting in some stinkin’ desert in some piece of [censored] country, so be it.

    I hope tonight as these terrorists responsible fall asleep they have some comprehension at the back of their minds as to the world of hurt they’ve brought on themselves. I’ll never vote again for ANYONE who does anything but focus on the utter destruction of these people responsible.

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m sitting here in awe…. I’ve watched the TV all day and still wonder when I’m going to wake up. Unfortunately I am!!!

    This cowardly act has brought new perspective to me and my life. I have been contemplating starting my own business, I took it for granted that I can do that. I’ve always felt safe here in “my” country. Well, today I didn’t for a short period of time.

    Never once in my nine years in the military did I feel the sense of pride to be an AMERICAN as I do today. I can promise you this, my fore-fathers didn’t die in vain for me. I will stand up and put forth everything I have to defend this beautiful land.

    I thank all my friends here for letting me vent. I’m sure many of you are as confused, angry, hurt or saddened as I am. My emotions change with every breath. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families of the victims, the rescue crews and anyone who has suffered a loss of a loved one today.

    May God bless America and make us strong!!!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    thanks for the two good letters, Hawger and James. today has been nothing short of numbing, very numbing. I had to get through a police road block, and a vehicle security check to get to my government job this afternoon.

    I am a Vietnam Vet with two tours of duty there, back then you just did your job the best way you could, to help another country. this is the first and biggest attack on our own mainland from foreign countries.

    We need to all be diligent, strong, and smart, and not do anything stupid. I may head back into the military, hey why not, we all have MUCH to be thankful for, and as Americans, we will all be stronger and unite.

    say a prayer, kiss your wife and kids tonight, and try to sleep, you won’t. so when you are lying there, ask yourself what are you going to do to make a differance. donate to Red Cross, give blood, unite as a country. WE can all help, and we can all say a few prayers.

    God bless this country and the world we live in.

    Regards, Jack

    Posts: 85

    Great words all. I was awoken to the news story and at first thought it was a parody of some sort in my half awake stupor. I could not fathom what I was seeing on the television, bad movie come to life. I travel domestic and int’l and wife was never so happy to see me in the house when she got home from work. Daughter said, “Dad, now I know why you wont let me walk to the mall by myself now, Ill never question you again”. It sux so bad that a nation has to be brought together by the actions of some ignorant, cowardly weasels. I hope the current president can restore what we used to have, a strong united country with a powerful military presence. Just rambling on…….prayers to the lost family members in the WTC and for all the loss of life of emergency personel who were trying to help victims, only to lose their own lives.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    God bless all of those affected by today’s events (Americans), and God bless the men and women of the American Military for protecting us this evening in the wake of this tragedy.

    I heard reports of Palestinians handing out candy to children as they celebrated today, wondering, “Why aren’t we strafing their houses right now.”

    I read the article posted above about the Egyptian Taxi drivers, and wondered if all of our “Economic aid” (read: Taxpayer dollars) have really helped to promote a stable political environment worldwide.

    Most of us are old enough to remember living under the umbrella of the cold-war mentality that at any given hour, our world would come to an end. Were we fools to believe that the end of the cold war meant that we could live in peace? When Pearl Harbor was attacked, the headlines on December 8th read, “Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor.” Tomorrow’s headlines will read, “US seeks those responsible for attacks.”

    Face us. Look at us. See our eyes. Die honorably. I have no tolerance for this, and wish the most horrible, torturous Earthly death for those responsible, followed by an eternity of demon-dogs and odious harpies gnawing at their feet while buried head-first in a river of blood. Given time, I could be more creative.

    God Bless America

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    Mans inhumanity to man never seems to end. Through all this trajedy the human spirit endures. People were lined up for 4 to 5 hours to give blood. They wanted to do something to help. Offers of aid from across the country are pouring in. It seems when things are at their worst America rises to its best! May God Bless those that have lost their lives and their families.

    The cheering in the Middle East should not be all that surprising. Those people live with danger day in day out. Many Arab people resent Americas support of Israel and any stumble by us is a call to rejoice. During the Gulf War how many Americans rejoiced as our bombs hit their targets even though some times civilians died too. Please don’t misunderstand me, I know that war is different than terrorism but the results can be just as deadly. I’m sure their are many Arabs upset over todays events. I’m just concerned that anti Arab setiments are spreading even as we don’t know who was behind this cowardly act.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I’m anti-anyone who cheers when Americans are killed.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    Gianni, shortly before I posted my last message I visited a Yahoo board about the attack. It was loaded with anti-arab filth. Many posters asked Yahoo to shut down the board because of the content. I’m just concerned that we don’t label all Arabs because of the actions of a few. I too am dismayed when I see people rejoicing about this trajedy. I’m sure Arabs were also dismayed during the Persian Gulf War as many of them were killed. I don’t think there is ever a time to celebrate the killing of a human life.

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Those who are Cheering the death and devastation, and dancing in the streets, keep it up, soon America will donate a few fireworks to boost in your celebration.

    God bless America.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4533

    I am a bond trader and work extensively with people in NY. A couple of guys were out here on Monday from NY having some drinks with me on Monday and were planning on canoeing the St Croix on Tuesday. Their building was across the street from Building 7 of the WTC. They firm is OK the people all got out before the collapse, their building demolished. Many are still missing. Entire firms are missing many, many people.

    Now is a time to heal and try to get things back to normal. We need to show these terrorist that their efforts may be an attempt to destroy our way of live. But it is my opinion that events like this only show our strength as a nation. No other people can come together in times of crisis like we can.

    God bless all.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Post deleted by admin


    I am with you eye-guide! Sounds like we served at about the same time. I too am old and out of shape, but I will still do anything to protect the people of our great nation. Give me 3 rounds and I can have the M16 sighted in.

    God bless the U.S.A.

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