Check your boat

  • Art
    Posts: 439

    Just a heads up. Make sure you have everything you are supposed to in your boat. I got checked yesterday below Winona dam. Got a warning ticket for no throw cushion. Hadn’t been on the river since Jan., so I cleaned boat up 2 weeks ago. Warden was very polite and profesional. Throw cushion was hanging on wall in garage. Fishing was poor yesterday. Water was up some but flow was really bad. Ares I normally fish durning high water were still ice covered. All the gates were up and a lot of debry in water. Tuesday the fishing was real good. Good luck.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the reminder Art. Seems like the first time we go fishing in the spring something is always forgotten to be put back in the boat. Another item alot of us forget to put in the boat is a fire extingusher and whistle too.
    Thanks, Bill

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    What ramp did you put in at to get below the Winona Dam. I was up that way on Sunday but nothing was even close to being open.

    Glad to hear the CO was decent about it, some guys aren’t so lucky.

    Posts: 439

    Breezy Point Harbor. Opened up tuesday.I was surprised too. Checked it saturday and there were people ice fishing out from the ramp. Its in good shape now. Good luck.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    THANKS ART! I might just have to bring the boat to work with me tomorrow

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