Rollergate update

  • Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    I talked to the folks at the L&D #3 yesterday, they said it would be about a week before the rollers go back in. Just wanted to let ya all know. Walleye fishing has been fair up here. Nothing huge for numbers around the dam, but some nice fish still coming trolling cranks and 3-waying live bait on the current seams. Catfish are biting sporadically. One day they’re gangbusters and the next they shut off. White bass are a little tough right now with the rollers up, but when they put them back in….it should really pick up, as well as the walleyes. Good luck to all.

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    How about the sheephead….. are the sheephead biting steve?

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    If your name starts with a M and ends with an R…….You can catch em all day long!

    On water
    Posts: 663

    i tell ya what….the water is dropping like a son-of-a!!! I was out fishing and kinda took a mental note of where the water was at the landing….when i came in 9 hrs later, it dropped bigtime!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    They have been in for a couple days now…..earlier than first reported to me. They lowered them a little more yesterday (or the day before). The water is dropping fast. White bass have started to go a little bit more and more each day. RoadRunners and bucktails have been the hot bait. Good Luck.

    Posts: 18

    just what i was wanting to hear. how much longer do you think before the pool is back in shape? counting on no more rain ofcourse.and will droping water hurt or help the bite. cant wait to catch me some whites.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I heard it rained big time up in the Twin Cities today which will bring it back up some when that water gets here. Don’t want it too low as the PWT is taking out of Bay City Wisc. on the river next week and that area gets real shallow when the water is at normal level. Hate to see someone wreck a skag or boat in shallow water. Thanks, Bill

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