Brought a buddy out from work today and fished from 2:30 until dark with lots of success. We boated somewhere around 30 fish, with the majority in the 14-17″ range, but we had three that were around three pounds. I’ve been having trouble locating the real piggies in the last week, but things should pick up as the water warms and drops. My best luck came longlining or casting shad raps in the backwaters and on the faces of wingdams. The key has been to troll shallow depths (3-8′) and look for current breaks. There is a ton of new/different current breaks to fish in the backwaters because of the extremely high water. the flow is 50,000 cfs, but should begin to drop quickly if we don’t see any rain. I also noticed that after continually running over these areas the bite often slowed, but anchoring and pitching jigs/plastics usually produced some more fish, and gave the spot a “rest”. Good luck over the weekend!
May 24, 2003 at 4:34 pm