Morels – How’s everyone doing this year?

  • pool13_jeff
    NW, IL
    Posts: 884

    This has been a very good year. After cleaning them tonight, we ended up with almost 11 pounds of really nice ones for the day. Based on the size of these today, I’d say we have about a week left in my area.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Ive not had a lot of experience finding them in my area… I used to hunt mostly Iowa… and it was awesome… for me its been spotty around here over the years… and Ive not really got the timing figured out… I found 2 small gray ones last week in my yard… then I checked some likely spots around here and found nothing…. so I guess it needs a bit more time here…..

    Posts: 973

    What are Morels; I have no idea.

    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    They are Mushrooms….if you haven’t had walleye fillets with morrel’s on the side you haven’t lived like a king…..

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    around here in alma….Its about primetime..I found many small heads just popin through…..This week should be the week to check..with all the rain an sunshine lately…. The city folks pay top dollar for them

    Posts: 18

    i will be in the red wing area june 9th will they be done by then?i think they will,stoped finding them a week ago here.

    Posts: 272

    they definately will be done by then unless you are lucky enough to find some dried up dead ones. morels always go for high money, always, to people out here that can’t pick them they are like lobsters out east for those who don’t have traps, just not as expensive.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I was out in the rain today… and I found 8 small grays… on south slope!.. they are just starting up here I guess…. Ive had little experience hunting them up here… I dont think its as good as when I hunted them in NE iowa….. that was some prime area… but I suppose all along the mighty miss is pretty good too….. maybe I should try Red Wing south… the timber and land is more like Im used to…..

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Have been finding them here in east central Iowa, just north of Clinton for about 2-3 weeks now. Looks like they may have another week left. Time to go out and pick up my morel decoys, they worked pretty good! Have to carve a few more for next year. In our area we even started finding morels around locust trees, couldn’t believe it at first, but they turned out to be some of the better areas !

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    morels are funny… Ive not figured out any pattern to them up here yet… sure I can find a few around dead elms… but even great looking prospects are usually not very productive… I was out for a bit on monday.. I think I found 8… all fairly small grays….. guess this monday should be better…. still cool and wet around here… so maybe they will last a little while yet….

    Posts: 40

    Was out twice this past week, very few,all small greys. Ticks were ready and waiting though.

    Posts: 79

    Hit the Mother Load 3 days in a row S.E Minn.

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