Radio Waves May Kill Zebra Mussels

  • Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    interesting artical from

    Radio Waves May Kill Zebra Mussels

    By TAMMY WEBBER, Associated Press Writer

    CHICAGO (AP) – Low-frequency radio waves might someday be used instead of chemicals to

    control zebra mussels, which cause millions of dollars in damage by clogging water intake pipes at

    power plants and other installations, researchers said Tuesday.

    Zebra mussels in an aquarium that were exposed to very low-frequency electromagnetic waves –

    around 60 hertz, or similar to what is emitted by a power outlet – died within 40 days, according to a

    study conducted by undergraduate students at Purdue University-Calumet in Hammond, Ind., and

    presented Tuesday at an American Chemical Society meeting in Chicago.

    Though field trials still must be conducted, the technology appears promising, said Matthew F. Ryan,

    associate professor of chemistry at Purdue. The technique appears to be safe for fish and other aquatic

    life, he said.

    Chemicals such as chlorine and bromine have been used to kill the mussels, but there are concerns

    about the safety of the substances, Ryan said.

    Brought to the United States in the ballast water of oceangoing ships in the 1980s, zebra mussels

    spread rapidly through the Great Lakes and other inland waterways and have caused millions in

    damage to power plants and boats.

    Gary Wege, a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Minnesota, welcomed the study,

    saying that most efforts to control zebra mussels have failed.

    “If you could zap the critters right from the water, that would be great,” Wege said.

    If the technique proves effective, Wege said, electrical barriers could block the mussels from infesting

    other waters.

    Ryan said irradiation appeared to cause zebra mussels to lose large amounts of calcium – essential for

    shell health and mussel control – as well as sodium and potassium. Only 10 percent of unexposed

    mussels in another tank died after 40 days, he said.

    During experiments, fish collected from the same waters and put in the same tank as the mussels

    survived. Native clams did not die until being exposed for 90 days.

    Ryan said the technology would have to be installed in intake pipes and the radio waves aimed at

    specific spots.

    Dave Gulczinski

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Now there’s a report that has me crossing my fingers!!! Thanks for sharing Dave!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    ummmmmm do they have to be exposed for 40 continuous days? or do they just die 40 days after a brief exposure… cuz it kind of sounds like the first one……

    which would be pretty limited in its usefulness……

    the only reason I say that is that they point out it takes 90 days for natives….. and if it was death 90 days after brief exposure they would be ensuring the extinction of natives… which of course they would not do…….

    sounds like about all it would to is eliminate them in confined areas….BUT they would have to either run it continously to insure that the Zebs died and stayed out of there… or they would have to run it with some cycle of time……

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3532


    It has to be a constant exposure to the radio waves

    Tom P

    Posts: 103

    I’m like river-eye, it sounds good, and may have application for intake pipes for power plants or on docks or lock walls, etc. —- but how do you apply this for 40 continuous days on the bottom of 300 miles of river?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I wonder how close the zebes have to be to the source of radiation for the treatment to be effective? And I too wondered what 40 day application they would be able to effectively use? I would think that the reproductive window would be too long to prevent the deaths of the native species. Or could you just, for example, decide that every Sept. 1st you fire up the “radiation belts/pods/thingamajiggers” for 45-50 days, just to ensure good results?

    If an effective method were implemented, I think it would take years upon years working sections of the rivers southward, including a forbidden travel north of the “station”, like a checkpoint. It’s a near impossible task, but it keeps me hopeful.

    Posts: 33

    Dave :

    thanks for the info. I think thats the same station my kids listen too.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    hmmmm look out if they start piping into YOUR room!!

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