When is the Get Together?

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    hey now, i’m not bad with a golf club myself. heck, i work at a driving range, i could supply plenty of ammo .

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Finding a boater the day of the GTG would not be a problem. This is a fun tourney where everyone just goes fishing and has a good time. Last year we had one man teams and 5 man teams in one boat. It’s all good. Anyone who is caught pre-fishing for this tourney gets clean-up detail…lol

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Anyone who is caught pre-fishing for this tourney gets clean-up detail…lol

    Hey Jon………..Best Banana Dance sounds like an injury waitin’ to happen!!!

    Anybody up for a Sheepy eatin’ contest???

    How about……………..everyone that comes to the weigh in with an 18″ or bigger smallie, 25″ or bigger walleye, or 40lb. or bigger flathead gets to forcefeed Sheepies to “The Pup”?

    I will need the Samaritan gesture of accompanying someone in their boat from 7am to 11am-noonish. I need to leave early again this year.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Anybody up for a Sheepy eatin’ contest???

    and this sounds like an invitation to mass suicide!

    How about……………..everyone that comes to the weigh in with an 18″ or bigger smallie, 25″ or bigger walleye, or 40lb. or bigger flathead gets to forcefeed Sheepies to “The Pup”?

    whoaaaaa Nelly!… and theres an invitation to a reduced finger count by the partipants… Id rather feed raw meat to a pride of starving lions than get near the Pup with a sheepy!….

    I will need the Samaritan gesture of accompanying someone in their boat from 7am to 11am-noonish. I need to leave early again this year.

    accompany someone in THEIR boat? hmmm Ive got tips and warning for that poor soul!… I may have to write a book “Idiots Guide to Fishing with the PUP”

    Chapter I House breaking, errrrr Boat breaking (I DO mean BREAK!)

    Chapter II Care and Feeding of a River PUP (Sheepheads on hand, I mean.. OFF hand on floor if you want to remain intact!)

    Chapter III Boating Maneuvers designed to Remove Sheepsheads from PUPs line….(very important!)

    Chapter IV The importance of Life Insurance and writing your Will.

    Of course there is stillachance2 I may loose my mind and instead of heading for Alaska like originally (and wisely!) planned I will come to the GTR and host the Pup in MY boat! *OMG*!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Becarefull there RiverEyes, The elegent, wonderfull zebra mussel eating Sheephead is Mike Little’s favorite fish. You are talking about a fish so dear to his heart, a fish so special that even Mike has dreams about catching it, a fish so desireable that he even kisses it. Thanks, Bill

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Then go to Alaska you goofball! You won’t have to worry about any encounters with the Pup, a sheepy, or witnesses to snagging your own line in the trolling motor!

    While your warnings may be of good experience, it seems you have been let off the hook and the choke collar controller will be in the hands of a “mystery member”. First to guess who it is…………a free pack of Ringworms from Evert’s stock, on the Pup!

    Speaking of lures, you need any more of those Orange/Blue skirted Carp slammin’ jigs Rivereyes?

    Posts: 181

    hmmmm…..anyone care to fill this newby in on who/what the “PUP” is?

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    It is that goofy looking guy above your posts holding the bass….. Just kiddin pup!!!

    Getting your own line in the trolling motor

    That is awsome !!!!

    I am pumped for the catfishishing, ftr event!!! If wife can hold baby in for a couple more days I think I can fish it…..

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Kidding or otherwise………….Mavzer speaks the truth. The “Pup” is I, says I. Coined in by Rivereyes a long time ago, in a message far, far away, it’s been a reference that has somewhat lasted through our short history here. It would seem that “pupil” is/was too hard or too long a word to use………either by not knowing the definition or that it had too many syllables to pronounce, ………………… I’m unsure which. In his case though, I tend to side with the latter but the bulk of what he doesn’t seem to understand only happens when I’m doing the talking.

    To shorten “pupil”, he capitalized “PUP” in PUPil. Well, that really made the “i” and the “l”…………… “ill” and that’s not allowed in his world. Thus, “Pup” was coined (it also fit that I’m MUCH, MUCH younger than he) and numerous stories and jokes followed…………and continue to follow from time to time.

    So, while “ill” isn’t acceptible, I’m afraid “lame” is, unfortunately, and hereby written in kind. A lame little story, but it explains the origination, the identificaiton, and fabrication on which it continues to exist.

    And all the world said……………..?

    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 22

    im pretty new to the board and im not familiar to the “get together” but im very interested in meeting some of the people behind FTR and sharing tips with fellow anglers

    is it suitable for say, a 16 yr old kid?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Oh yes!! No Doubt !! This is a family event !!! I’ll see ya there !!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Definitely a family event!!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I may be old…. but Im slow!… so how did all these post happen to show up without giving me a flag to review!… interesting… so I did not check this yesterday…..
    ohhh… so the PUP is whining about his naming history…. to my recollection he has it all wrong!… I named him PUP after he P*ssed in the corner of my house…. turns out he werent properly housebroke… then he went and bit one of our fellow board memembers… mauled is more like it… then.. well the list goes on… so what to do with a rambunctious young PUP? Someone had to train him…. so I took on the job… I still cant guarantee he is housebroke… so thats another chapter for my “book”… if someone else has volunteered to take him out… the better PM me so I can give them a list of things they might need for cleanup… ohh… and to pick up the controller on the shock collar…. like Mr T used to say… “I pity the foo”

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    “Happy Days Are Here Again….”

    I’m sure glad you piped up! I was beginning to think you’d gone from slooow to full blown comatose!

    I do have to wonder though…………….how accurate can your information be when the things you’re trying to refer to were over 53,000 posts ago!

    I didn’t realize until I was on the receiving end of a 3 mile punt that he considered every bit of his property as “his house”. Well, I know his honey would jump in on my side here about what’s what and who’s to be in charge of what! And you set me up to attack that “flat-tailed critter”. Man…………….that was the time I found out about your crow recipe too!

    Now, before this gets any more ridiculous, don’t dig “dirt” against a Pup! “Methusaleh” ain’t gonna have a chance at winning……….Guarion..teeeee it!

    Actually, maybe we should do an inventory…………………

    Last we left off I had you in a walker, getting all your funny stuff from the runts next door, blind………………., and ……………….I forget. Oh yeah!…………..a poor memory! Sound right to you?

    Okay………I’ll start.

    Dear Rivereyes,
    I am just but a youthful Pup looking to untangle some of the twines of knowledge that have become tangled on my life’s journey. I have a question I’m hoping your age old wisdom can clear up for me.

    What’s the difference between comatose and narcolepsy? I see you doing a lot of both. What are their differences and how do you go about choosing which state is more appropriate or desirable? In my eyes, all I see is .

    Please Help,

    Caught in a Leash

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    ehhh? where was ‘eye?? errr.. where am ‘eye?? ummm oh yeah…. thats write.. I waz gettin ready two reply too that impertinant PUP whipper snapper…. yeah… dats right…. ohhh…. what was ‘eye gonna say?….. rats.. (wood dat B river rats?)…. hmmmmmm…… comytoes ya say?? narcoleopards? what? ewe whipper snappers always yapping bout things that a body cant unnerstan…..
    naw whar DID ‘eye put that consarn shockin collar contraption? dag nap it…. now I loss my train of thought AND muh shockin collar…. shoot!….. oh well… ‘eye will find em both soon…. jus ewe wait an sea!!!

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Ok !! Don’t forget your drivers !!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    What time does it run from?

    I have a charity golf thing at 7:00 am and my class reunion at 6:00 pm. If I can find enough time in between, I would like to run up for a while.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    It will be running all day and into the evening. Things really start hopping around 3pm for the weigh in. Hope you can make it.

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