Pool 13 Marinas

  • jjkessler
    Posts: 8

    Can anybody tell what Marinas are on Pool 13 that carry Food and Bait?

    Orangeville Ilinois
    Posts: 52

    The marina in Savanna is within short walking distance of food and bait. Go north on main drag to Mannys for pizza and tacos. Cant go wrong there. Keep going north to Bp station for bait. I keep my houseboat in Island City harbor in Sabula which is a very nice harbor. But there is only one cafe in town and about 1.5 miles for bait.

    Remember keep your lines in the water were all in this together.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    Not much for marinas in pool 13 other than what you’ll find at Savanna. You can get bait at Bellevue but there really is no marina. Pool 13 is unique that it does not have a great deal of access compared to other pools. This is because the upper half of the pool borders the Savanna Army Depot on the Illinois side of the river so there is no access there. On the Iowa side there is the Green Island project which also limits access to the river. I towed a boat 10 miles up to Bellevue one time after the guys ran out of gass. They could not find so much as a cabin to stop and call from and neither had a cell phone. It was mid-October in the middle of the week so there was virtually no boat traffic outside of the occasional cruiser.


    NW, IL
    Posts: 884

    Lazy River Marina across from the Palisades State Park, just north of Savanna has a restaurant.

    Posts: 8

    Does the Lazy River Marina sell fuel as werll?

    Orangeville Ilinois
    Posts: 52

    Lazy River does not have fuel and it’s of the river 3/4 in a shallow backwater area. If you dont know where to go you will be stuck in the mud. I had my houseboat there for 5 years but recently moved it to a different harbor.

    Remember keep your lines in the water were all in this together!!!

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