Sorry I was going to put a post up wendsday but we had some pc issues here the last couple days.
Stopped down at the levee launch on wendsday after work to check out the river and find the cleanup crew working on a spill. I wasnt told how much had spilled but it was gas not oil. They were working on getting it cleaned up but this is about as bad of a time for it to happen with the flow as low as it is. I am curious to how they fine these guys and control it from happening. I havnt heard anything about it from news, paper or other people You would think the public should be told and aware of this when it happens. I seen channel 5 running the van down that way but watched the news and they were down there to report the strike that is going on at ashland. Hmmmm a strike starts and a oil spill happens in the same day
Has anyone else heard about this????