When someone starts a very specific thread for example “trolling sandflats” please try and be considerate of the topic at hand and those that have posted the original question. I for one think it is rude to take threads way off the subject and talk about something totally unrelated especially when it doesnt involve fishing or the river. I have seen alot of banter lately that in my opinion is chat room or private msg material.
This changing of the subject and then bantering for a long time causes another problem. For example, when people who only have time to login to check the forum, they look for the threads with the most recent activity only to find out that it’s just chit chat about something not related to anything that interests them. Im sorry if I have offended anyone but I just have seen some changes lately that I think need to be addressed. Just remember if it doesnt relate to the original post, maybe its better off in private. I believe most visitors are here for the quality of information presented and not the sideshow that is created when people attempt to draw attention to themself.
Steve Hougom – FTR Webstaff