#4’s as good as #5’s?

  • Jim K
    Mpls, Mn
    Posts: 192


    I introduced a guy from work to the wonderful world of fishing. He placed an order at Cabala’s but ended up with #4 Rapala Shad Raps instead of #5’s. He’s asking me if he should return them. I know how effective #5’s are trolling the sippi sand flats, but it got me to wondering, does anybody use #4’s much. I suppose they run a little shallower or do they?

    Good Fishn to Ya!

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    4’s work great Some of my best fish have come off of 4’s

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    #4’s can be great in shallow water trolling or casting but I have had major problems with trying to tune them to run right…………more so than the #5’s and jointed’s.

    The last 5 #4 jointed shad raps I bought would not run 1.5mph up river in normal current with out blowing out of the water. Once they blow out of the water like that it is almost impossible to tune them

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    I use #4s for casting shallow rip rap or trolling shallow sand , mostly in small rivers, rarley in the Miss. I would have to ditto what Dustin said.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Plenty of good times had trying to tune them in my boat also. Good thing I didnt have a hammer with. I think Cabalas makes a smaller sized shad rap thaty might compair to the 4’s. The Cabelas ones I have tryed so far do run straight and will leave a little change in your pocket also.

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