oarnge\red ringworm

  • jdb
    Posts: 54

    I was fishing pool 12 around a sandy island with 5\16oz. BfisnN’s oarnge\chartruse jighead and red\chartruse ringworm along the weedline for whatever’s bittn’ and hooked into the biggest walleye I’ve ever seen in person. It rolled at the boat and started pulling line and spit the hook a few seconds later. I must not have gotten a good hook set in em’ as I was in 3′ of water and not expecting to hook into a 10+ lb. fish. I just wanted to share info as I greatly appreciate all of the info I have learned off of everyone here! Thanks couldn’t have hooked that one without ya. happy fishing

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    sorry to here of your loss, BUT as they say “Set the hook”I ‘m also sure there isnt one fisherperson on here that hasnt lost 1 or 2 fish due to the fact it just wasnt time for it to be caught.. Better luck next cast

    Burnsville, Minnesota
    Posts: 75

    Good to hear that I am not alone. I thought I had a monopoly on dropping them at the boat.
    At least you got to see it. That is almost has good as touching it.

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