I’m going to say something unpopular……………because I should.
I took my family to Valleyfair Sunday and while waiting in line for the Flume, I read a young man’s t’shirt. It asked this question:
“How DIFFICULT is it to get into heaven? And how EASY is it to get snatched up by demons and dragged to [censored]?”
I couldn’t get a read on the small print but I know the message favored the second question. For some reason, he thought the answer was better to take “the easy way”.
Friends, God is in control…………period. The problem is the misconception of the first question on that young man’s t’shirt. Heaven isn’t earned, it’s a gift………….a gift that has to be accepted………..but a gift none the less. You believe, you accept, you’re in! How hard is that? It’s not money. It’s not works. It’s belief and acceptance. It’s easy and it’s available to EVERYONE world wide………………period.
I couldn’t help but ask myself this morning if Korey had accepted his gift. Have you………….?
My prayers to his family, and to all of us. Our turn WILL come.