Not related to fishing..

  • walleyefshr
    Posts: 85

    Not related to fishing….but just wanted to give a hollar and when we are on the water to give a 21 cast salute to #77 Korey Stringer. Hate to see anyone pass away, especially a young man with wife and child. He appeared to be one of the “good” guys in the NFL, and tragically was taken preparing to entertain us goofballs on weekends this fall.

    Thanks folks.


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Just another reminder to make the most of every day-tomorrow is not gauranteed to any of us.

    Thanks for the memories Korey.


    This has messed me up all day.

    Korey was well liked and one of the most popular guys on the team. As a father with a 3 year old myself, I cannot imagine someone explaining that daddy isnt around anymore.

    I dont know all the details but it sounds like Korey struggled and threw up a few times at practice but wanted to finish practice and pushed himself pretty hard, then went into a cold air conditioned trailer immediately after practice throwing him into shock.

    Thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    what a pointless tragedy…. you have to admire his ability to be tough and push himself.. and yet… how it could lead to his death is just mind boggling….. very very sad……

    Posts: 780

    Not good…..God bless. Comming from Texas, I have found that I have been “walking in circles” many times from the heat. The mind goes to the o-zone and you loose your logic. Ice cold water is a nother no-no. Many people go into shock from this gulping down iced-water in 100+ degree sun and heat. This causes a shock to your system and can “black you out”.

    This heat stroke happens fast in a boat with anyone of any age that may be low on fluids and is added to by the reflection of the sun on water. And can even more likely with the addition of dark colored long sleeved clothes. Heavy coffee drinkers (coffee and tea can de-hydrate you) that go all morning in the boat not having any fluids other than coffee, may be at a bigger risk. When I do up the kids with sunscreen I make them put on light colored shirts and hats. We have a two pop limit and I make them have a can of water between each pop. After that they get water. Thought I would share my sympathies….. Hoggie Hoggard

    St Paul MN
    Posts: 223

    Truly a sad day. It is a terrible loss for the people who have known him or got to know him through the vikings. It is a reminder to all of us not to ignore the warning signs. Keep this in mind when you are working or fishing hard all day. We don’t need to lose another good person.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’m going to say something unpopular……………because I should.

    I took my family to Valleyfair Sunday and while waiting in line for the Flume, I read a young man’s t’shirt. It asked this question:

    “How DIFFICULT is it to get into heaven? And how EASY is it to get snatched up by demons and dragged to [censored]?”

    I couldn’t get a read on the small print but I know the message favored the second question. For some reason, he thought the answer was better to take “the easy way”.

    Friends, God is in control…………period. The problem is the misconception of the first question on that young man’s t’shirt. Heaven isn’t earned, it’s a gift………….a gift that has to be accepted………..but a gift none the less. You believe, you accept, you’re in! How hard is that? It’s not money. It’s not works. It’s belief and acceptance. It’s easy and it’s available to EVERYONE world wide………………period.

    I couldn’t help but ask myself this morning if Korey had accepted his gift. Have you………….?

    My prayers to his family, and to all of us. Our turn WILL come.

    Prior Lake
    Posts: 79

    this was a huge loss, not only to the vikings organization, but to the whole community. korey was active with schools. my stepson is an avid packer fan (i am trying to change that) but met korey at his school and he talks about it to this day. he spent the better part of the day with the kids, talking and playing football. also read today that last week he was at his old high school in ohio, talking to the coach about the school’s problem funding the football program. his coach said that korey went to his truck and came back with his pro bowl check and signed it over to the school. what a classy man. please keep his family in your prayers.


    I found this to be a source of comfort. Here is a link to the press conference attended by Coach Green, Cris Carter and Randy Moss.

    Audio: Dennis Green, Randy Moss, and Cris Carter on Stringer

    This is a streaming audio file that should play with the media player that comes with windows. I have windows 98 and it worked fine.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    Very nicely put Stillakid2. Life is way too short and a person never knows how long we have on this earth. And eternity is much longer. Glad to see someone speak up and say it like it is for everyones sake. Lets not all just be friends here but lets all be friends together forever. Thanks, Bill

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 351

    Thank you stillakid2. Very well said. When we step into the boat each morning we should all say a prayer because our return to the dock, safely, is in the Lord’s hands.

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