Does anyone know if it ok to enter into Canada with night crawlers as long as they are packed in worm bedding vs. dirt?

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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – General Discussion » Canada Customs – live bait
Does anyone know if it ok to enter into Canada with night crawlers as long as they are packed in worm bedding vs. dirt?
That is my understanding. I know when I order a flat, I always tell them I’m traveling to Canada, heh!!
Best to call and ask them ahead as they can have some changes now and then.
Another thing is, you may want to check to see if you can bring those same crawlers you take in to Canada back into the USA?
One trip up, on the way back across customs on the American side, I had to dump into a toilet at customs, my quart of Canada minnows that I had just purchased. US Customs would not let me bring the Canada minnows into the US, even though Canada needed to see the reciept for live minnows that I purchased in Canada, while I fished the Canada side of the Rainy River. I needed this reciept, I understood, if I used minnows as live bait. The bad part is I had a quart of minnows that I had brought with me from the USA that I had to dump at the same time. The US Customs officer made me dump them too! He told me I was lucky that I did not get caught for smuggeling in American minnows into Canada. I explained that I had told the Canada Customs officer that I was just going across for license and minnows. And that he did not ask me if I even had live bait with me at the time. The US Customs officer said the minnows had been in Canada so they had to go! So…. Back on the US side, I bought even more minnows and ended up using salted dead minnows. Minnows from Canada look different from US minnows and the Canada wardens can tell the difference.
While they floated past, I listened in a bit as a Canada warden busted an American on the Canada side of the river for using live minnows. I gathered that it was so much for the first dozen and so much more per minnow there after. He had no reciept. As they floated past, the guy was having to count his minnows. He was thrilled!
“Hoggie” Hoggard
I think if the crawlers had US citizenship before crossing that they’d be allowed to return! ……………………..okay, bad joke! A friend of mine just returned from a Canadian trip last week and he said the crawlers weren’t an issue but any other form of live bait had to be purchased in Canada and used in Canada. Hoggie’s idea of checking beforehand is still a great idea………………the rules to seem to change often, and seldom in our favor.
I know that crawlers have to be packed in bedding and not dirt. This doesnt seem right since the crawlers we sell come from Canada. Also you can bring dead minows over the border…We vacuum pack them….and im not sure but I think leeches are not allowed and I’ve heard they sell there minnows by the doz. and there costly..but dont quote me on that….Rand (Hastings Outdoors Bait and Tackle)
Jimb, I got back from Ontario Tuesday, crawlers are ok to take across, you just have to have them in bedding not dirt.Couldn’t take leeches. Don’t know about minnows.
Good Luck, Hawg
Last time I went up, two yrs ago, we took no bait just food and our allotment of cereal malt beverages. I was rather shocked at price of bait. Crawlers were about dozen as were minnows. Small fathead type minnows that were counted in dozen lots, very carefully I might add and they in the range of 4-5 bucks a doz. I used crawlers, 1/4 to1/2 on a curly tail jig and outfished the older gentlemen in my boat. Figgered I could last longer on the crawlers and let the ole guys use minnows. Had a fun time……..
Looking at my Manitoba Anglers Guide 2001 it reads as follows and I quote:” -Nightcrawlers may be imported in a sterile medium such as paper mulch, but not in soil -Leeches, crayfish, frogs may not be imported -Frozen or preserved bait fish may be imported -live bait fish may not be imported. Those anglers in possesion of purchased lived bait must have a Live Bait Transfer and Use Receipt issued by the dealer” (from whom you purchased it I assume). ” Anglers may catch their own bait fish but must kill them before transporting them from the water where caught. No angler may be in possesion of more that 15 dozen of live bait fish.” Again, that is Manitoba but I cannot see how other areas, like Ontario, would be any different. For general info call 1-800-782-0076 and ask for the toll free number for Canadian Customs office. Like the Kid said, the Canada rule can be difficult and confusing. ***As a special note to you fisherman that are also planning a hunting/fishing or just hunting trip to Canada this fall. Be aware of the new gun registration laws that went into effect at the beginning of this year. They are exceptionally confusing. If you have not looked onto this yet please drop me a reply and I can give you a website to go to and /or a brief review of the regs. DO NOT wait until you try to actually cross into Canada with a gun as it looks like that will add to the delay and to your frustration. Sorry for the diversion to hunting (on this terrific!!! fishing site) but I know that alot of fisherman enjoy additional outdoor activities and, if I can help, would be glad to assist you.
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