Support Our Troops

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    This anti-war response is nothing new. These are the same people that “got over” 911 in two weeks, or maybe capitilized on the grief and misfortune of others. I bitterly remember the horrors we went through trying to liberate the South Vietnamese from Communist oppression during that hike in the bush, only to have to Draft Dodging, I’m runnin to Canada cowards spit on my brother GIs as they were wheeled off the Medivac Transports at O’Hare field in wheel chairs because Charlie took their body parts back there in that God forsaken jungle. This really gets me HEATED UP!
    GOD BLESS THOSE BOYS! They are scared as Hell but they will STAND FAST for the One Nation UNDER GOD that protects the cause on Liberty and Freedom on this planet. I will take out a personal loan to purchase a one way ticket to Iraq for these sign wielding IDIOTS! …..Never Forget 911…or the Veterans that gave us the freedom that we have today!!!

    Owatonna Mn 55060
    Posts: 174

    Tom, There will be alot of us on that plane !! Anywhere and at anytime. I will go again to do my part for FREEDOM !! I KNOW HOW-NOW !!! I know what to do with Draft Dodgers now ? Let’s have them do there part and work in the VET hospitals !!

    Richard (Smitty)
    Red-White and Blue FOREVER

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    God bless you Smitty. I know I will never forget. I guess these misguided people have nothing to remember and think that they have all their “rights” because they are who they are. They never had a brother die in their arms just doing his duty…Standing fast for all the “Fat cats” walkin around with signs back home and enjoying the “good life”. I guess we’ve got to tell em Smitty…Its about damn time

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I never volunteered to go into the service…………came close but ………long story…………I didn’t fit with what I/they wanted to do. That’s neither here nor there because I know if I was asked, I would! I’d go, I’d stay, I’d fill whatever role needed a body.

    So, because I haven’t been asked, and all the roles are filled, I’m left with example.

    I know all the anti-putzes get the media attention because it’s more “sensational” but the people need to know…………..the soldiers need to know, that when the cameras weren’t looking, there were some of us willing to put down our “dinner plate” and rally support and encouragement for them………..their cause.

    This Sunday, we will again be a public voice of support for our service men and women. Our friends………our family………our neighbors………our nation.

    Guys, if you’re going fishing this weekend, put a BIG, LOUD BANNER in support of those overseas in your boat. Those men and women need to see a visible “thank you”…………….with or without media attention.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    John, some of us never waited for “the call”. We signed up voluntarily. I don’t understand people who project themselves as some sort of superhero because they went only after they were told to, not possessing the conviction to take the initiative beforehand. If you don’t stand behind our elected government and us, as troops, then BOO-F’IN-HOO!! Seems to me your only alternate action to crying about their decisions is to move.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    A thumbs up for both of you! I’m gettin a little older but there’s still plenty of fight left. Saw a great bumper sticker…gonna get one…SUPPORT OUR TROOPS NOW…dont wait until they’re in your yard…

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    I’m going to surrender the keyboard to my wife so she can explain what she has done and is currently doing to support the troops.
    She is very dedicated and has found it rewarding.

    What I am doing and have done for the last year and half is write letters, notes and send cards to the troops. I send them to “Friends of the troops” at P.O. Box 65408 Fayetteville, NC 28306. They, then send them to troops all over the world. In doing so, we had a Marine write us back last spring and have been in touch with him ever since. I am also getting help from a National Guard member who is in the process of getting me more people to write too that are serving around the world. I have to add that it is hard to see signs up against our troops that are serving this country. Until you get letters from the troops, see what they are doing and how proud they are to be in the Untied States Military, then have a country that is divided about what they are doing to protect it, just isn’t right!!!!! I personally will do my best to let as many troops as I can know that I support them and pray for there safe return home. As of of this date I have done approx. 800 letters and have some that will be going out soon.

    I support my wife doing this and she has now involved our daughter, Neighbors, Classrooms, even our church.
    There are all kinds of ways to support our troops.
    I say find one.

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    You are the man. Thanks for stoping down again this Sunday. We are making a difference. Heck we even made the news. Guys if you can spare a few hours on a Sunday please stop on by the Stillwater bridge this Sunday March 23rd from noon until 3 pm. The Antis get there at 1pm so my goal is to get as many people there at that time as possible so as not to leave them any room to mix amongst us which for some strange reason they feel the need to. Lord knows I don’t want to be mistaken for one of them. The support by those passing by is awesome. Its the least we can do to support the brave men and women who will be in harms way enabling us to live the lives we do. Chappy great idea your wife has. I am all over that.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Not a problem Todd! I stuck it out until about 5:30 and I had 2 goofy things happen.

    1. I got “interviewed” by a group of junior high “trackletes” about why I supported the war. 2 minutes later they were jogging off chanting “Support Our Troops”!

    2. A fella came up from under the bridge and started telling me he was glad to see the honking was for troop support. Within minutes, his wife and daughter caught up with him…………….and proceeded to tell me that it’s a good thing for me I shared their opinion or else I was getting pushed off the bridge!

    I couldn’t even guestimate the number of people that would walk by and wave or shout “Honk, honk”, or come up and see what all the honking was for! Even though I stood by myself in that last hour, I never felt like I was alone.

    Truth be known…………while there is an overwhelmingly warm support from those that pass by, there’s not enough of us sacrificing a few minutes, couple hours, or more…………generating that support……………to let our troops know they’re loved, respected, and honored. The first news I saw today was regarding new protestor signs saying, “Support our Troops, Bring them Home”.


    The anti-cry gets sooooo much attention that it leaves us grumbling amongst ourselves……….and finding lots of other grumblers………and doing little, if anything. If everyone who honked a horn, waved, clapped, cheered, raised a fist, or gave an upward turned thumb were to take some time and hold a sign, the protestors would feel THEY had to gather in secret or be run out of town!

    Don’t misunderstand………….it’s their right and I’m not running anyone out of town……….BUT WHY DO WE LET OUR TROOPS FEEL LIKE THE OPPOSITION IS WINNING? We need to rally and take back the control of the message……….the message the armed services need to hear to retain pride, and strength, and courage……… in themselves, and in their country.

    To borrow a quote, that just happens to be used in Bruce Willis’s new movie,…………….


    ……………………….To do nothing………………………

    I’m thankful we’ve got a President……………who’s doing something! And I’m thankful for all those volunteers who have served, have given of themselves, and found the courage to do, at the very least…………… something.

    “To whom much is given, much is required”. – Author Unknown

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Well said Kid. It would be nice to get a few more people from the board down there on Sunday. Would be fun to talk a little fishing while enjoying the day. Again thanks Ken. Wish I could have stuck around longer.
    Can’t wait till we can get out in a boat together sometime.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Great job guys! Keep up the good work. I wish I was closer, so I could join you. Once again. Two Thumbs Up!!!

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    Im with big fish dude, I sure wish I was closer, I’d be right there with you guys. I’d try to make it up, but I had to take the begining of this week off, to see my girlfreind off. She is leaving on thursday with the 389th B company Engineering Batallion out of Decorah Iowa. All these war protestors need to realize that there freedom of speech is excercised through elections, and after the election there is nothing you can do. Your not going to help make things go smoother by protesting. But if we all show 110% support of this, I think more countries will follow by our example. And if more people backed us, we wouldnt have to go to war in the first place. God Bless our troops and our great country!
    p.s. If anybody lives or is gonna be around the Decorah area on thursday am, Im sure all the troops would be glad to see your support. It starts at 9am, And runs from water street to Hwy 9.

    Posts: 37

    Reading your FAMILY post brought back memories of ’70 -’71 Quin Yon and Da Nang. I was in headquarters company and worked in the mail room part time. My than highschool aged sister took to heart my story of how some of the guys DIDN’T get any mail. I can remember many long faces after another day of nothing. Well, she organized a letter writing campaign at her highschool and the boys in the 78th Engineer Battalion soon had mail to say the least.

    I can tell you from first hand experience IT REALLY MEANS ALOT!!!!!!!!

    Bless our troops and thanks for your fine work and example to the rest of us.

    The same to the Stillwater people, KID and Todd.



    Posts: 3681

    any one going to stillwater on the 23rd? if your going from red wing i would like to hitch a ride or be part of a convoy.

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Storm is Brewing.

    See attached.

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Dman-your attachment says alot. I’m like alot of people around the world. I do not like war. BUT…for cases like this and many others I would gladly take up arms against them. What I can’t stand is all these other people around the world that says the US is the bad guy. Where would the French be if it wasn’t for the US. Speaking German or Russian perhaps. Now I’m no expert on politics and don’t even vote on a regular basis (shame on me). But I fully support the Prez and his reasons for this war. Do we have to like it…no.. Will there be undue deaths and causualities..probably. But ole Sadaam could have prevented this all. Whether or not this is right to say. but I’m looking forward to watching his destruction on the TV. Alot of you guys have said that they have friends, husbands, wifes, fathers, and mothers and other relatives who are in or leaving to fight, and are scared for them. I have no idea what you are going through. And I do not know any of them. But I would guess whatever your feelings are now, one of them has to be of PRIDE. I know that I’m very proud of all who serve everyday. In wartime or peace. People don’t realize what kind of commitment it must take. What families go thru. Both of my grandfathers were at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed. They survived. Some of their friends did not. One of my grandpas landed on the shore of some island and watched as the Germans picked off the trucks in front of him one by one until the bunker was destroyed. Only 2 trucks ahead of him. So can you imagine what they went through. I could not. Just like I’d admit I could never be in the Service. But then again..when time like this show up..I would gladly and maybe foolishly take someone elses place on the front lines. But I also know that everyone there wants to be there. You hear that everynight on the news..We are here to do a job. Bless them.. For you all that have families and friends of to this war…Bless you too. I hope that everyone that reads my little two cents worth Supports this war whether you think its right or wrong for war. No body wants war. But when you have some idiot that been abusing his own people, and is a threat to the world, I think this is long over due. And if you are reading this and do not support our TROOPS and thier families…’s probably best that you leave this country. I for one would not want to meet you. And I know you would not want to meet me.
    This has gottin way long, and I’m starting to get fighting mad myself…So please support all those who are and will be fighting….and also for the families.. Because they are just as important……To the families and friends of the men and women fighting for our freedom and protection…THANK YOU and GOD BLESS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    It’s with all humility that I say “Thank You” to all those voicing support. Thanks for that link crappie-doer! That will be of great help.

    I couldn’t help but smile a bit as sat in the waiting room of an auto dealership this morning as a new poll result was announced. Last week, 59% of those surveyed opposed the war. Yesterday, 71% were in favor of it! Nothing says it better than a 30 point jump, that the silent are beginning to speak………….and from my personal experience, that number isn’t high enough to match what I’ve witnessed.

    Keep it up everyone! It’s never too late to begin, and if ever we quit, we can’t win. Let’s be a nation THEY can be proud of! Remember, it’s not a government that makes a nation………………it’s the PEOPLE!!!!!

    Thanks for your support everyone! If Stillwater’s too far, find a place near you and join us in spirit! We can pm our experiences!

    Before I close, THANK YOU TODD!!! Your example prompted my participation…………and I’ve got your back!

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