A die-off of zebra mussels did occur on the River during the summer of 2001. This die-off didn’t kill everything, but seemed to have a greater effect the further south you get. It was difficult to find a living zebra mussel in Pool 14. I believe less of an effect was seen up on Pool 4/Lake Pepin. However, it appears the mussels recovered relatively quickly in those southern pools as zebra mussels were frequently observed this past summer.
I’ve also heard that recent zebra mussel abundance in pepin may be oscilating up and down, but don’t believe anything indicates any long-term trends.
Yes, water clarities have improved recently, but I’m not sure if its due to zebra mussels, or improved land-use practices in the upper water shed. I would think there are differences in effects of zeebs to water clarity on lakes vs. rivers.
The jury is also out on the effects of zebra mussels to fish communities. On lakes, the short term has seemed to possibly benefit sight-feeding predators like smallmouth bass. However, it would be way premature (and inappropriate) to say zeebs are a good thing. We have yet to really see what their long term effects will be…. stay tuned.