Pool 2 Saturday

  • kpj5br
    Posts: 20

    Hi all,

    I’m planning to hit Pool 2 on Saturday. General plan of action is to pull Ringworms and possibly fatheads. Any advice/tips/etc?


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    It’s been a couple weeks since my last trip to P2, but I plan to be out there Sat. My plan is to keep on the move util I bump into some fish. But like DeeZee suggested in an earlier post, the big girls should be staging near the confluence area soon….


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Hitting P2 on Saturday has been my plan for a month. I have a buddy coming to town. However I just looked at the weather and they are calling for 31 mph winds

    So I’m not sure of the plan. Man tomorrow is suppose to be the day to go. 53 degrees, Sunny, and light winds

    I might see you down there depending on the wind. Good Luck and let us know how you do. I have a few reports up from February and last week, in the Fishing Reports Forum. We have had our best luck verticlaly jigging 4″ BFN Tackle Ringworms on the channel breaks.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Are you sure about 31 MPH on the wind, Ripper? If so I hope it is from the north to make the dam fishing easier. I plan to be out Saturday also.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I checked 3 different weather sites and only one is calling for 30 mph winds (from the south) But all 3 are talking good chance of thunderstorms and rain.


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