fishing in june pool 4

  • tightline1
    Posts: 18

    i will be fishing pool 4 in june for a week.i know it is early but i cant wait to ask.i want to catch whitebass,smallmouth,eyes,pike can you regulars help me out on your favrite baits & places on pool 4.i release all big fish but like to eat the whites.thanks.(early june)

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402


    Lake Pepin that time of year will hold all the species of fish you mentioned. The rip rap south of Lake city all the way to the bottom of the lake should produce for you. I like to troll small crank baits along the riprap in this area. #5 shad raps work really well for me in a variety of colors. This trolling presentation will usually get some good action with a good mixed bag of fish by days end

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Jim, I just PM’d you and emailed you, give me a shout about what I sent you.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402


    Just thought I would give you a few more ideas if the lake area isn’t your location of choice. The upper end of pool 4 from the head of lake Pepin to the dam can produce good catches of walleye, smallmouth and can be great white bass fishing. The white bass will usually make a spawning run towards the dam in early to mid May. White bass can usually be found in the dam area for a good month after that before they disperse down river.

    This will give you a few choices. Pool 4 is a great fishery, fish can be found almost any where on the pool in June.

    I see you are from Nebraska, not for sure if you have lodging taken care of yet. If not, I would highly recomend Everts Resort on the upper end of Pool 4. If the lake has a hot bite and is the place to be Everts is only about a 25 min drive to a boat ramp to launch on the lake. I have been staying there for years. Who knows, I might just get to run in to you and your fishing buddies

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Mid-may through the end of June is the best the Mississippi River has to offer in my opinion when you’re judging things from a multi-species perspective. Everything seems to be on the chew!

    Shad rap, slamos (AKA Salmos), wally divers…. trolled out on lake Pepin in 8′ – 14′ of water will catch everything from walleye and sauger to sheepshead and whitebass. Here’s a hint… and don’t pass this by without consideration…. troll fast. I won’t dwell on the point, but 3 MPH AIN’T fast. ‘Nuff said.

    The Deer Island area of Lake Pepin, WI side of the lake across from Lake City, is an awesome spot to target BIG whites during the time period you mentioned. I’m talking fewer numbers but super-big whities… many over 16″s. My suggestion is to not intentionally target them. Say out-loud “I’m fishing for WALLEYES” and you’ll catch tons of white bass…lol Trust me, it works. #5 shad raps, outside the sparce weed edge present in this area at 7′ south of Deer Island in June.

    Now if you want to catch white bass by the pillow case, show up to lock and dam # 3 in mid May! Holy smokes! My suggestion there would be to call Steve Vick at Everts Resort for a last minute report of just watch reports on FTR as we keep everyone up-to-date on the white run too. Last year was a great year for average size and number so this year looks promising!

    Posts: 18

    thanks guys last year i was on pool 8 at the end of may and killed the white bass at the dam.i can not make it back until the begining of june .the 8th to be exact and i really wanted to hit the whites on dam 3 on pool 4.will this be to late? i hope not and if it is where will they be at.i have a 16ft heavy duty jon with a good trolling motor & a 25 mariner will this be enough boat to handle pipen in the wind?i had no problem on pool 8.i am also looking for info on lures to use so i can build up my tackel a little.for the whites on pool 8 last year the bait for me was a firetiger rattle trap as fast as you could reel it.thanks again great info.

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