Jon J and I had a chance to witness something that makes me wish I had a video camera. There were a couple of boats fishing the scour hole , aka the “catch and kill” area below the dam. This created a few drifting sauger and kept the eagles busy. We had a chance to watch a few swoop down and grab lunch. There was one that came within 30′ of the boat. We were working the Mn shoreline above the wing dams when this eagle made his catch and proceeded into a tree right along the shore. As we watched him tear pieces out of the fish he did not seem to mind how close we were. What a fantastic sight. Jon used the trolling motor to keep us right under him for a couple of minutes. To see all of the eagles working the area and the amount of chatter that was going on between them really added to my fun day off work.
February 20, 2003 at 6:42 pm