
  • Keith
    NE Iowa
    Posts: 89

    Hey guys,

    Just wondering, what is the scoop on the fluorocarbon fishing line? Advantages? Disadvantages? I have never used it before.



    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Makes good leaders but I have not had good luck spooling the lighter weights. I know Muskie fishermen that use it for live bait rigs.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    One note on any fluorocarbon, it is very light sensitive. If you leave a spool of it or your leaders out in the sun, it will become weak very fast. Keep it out of the direct sun light!!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I can’t speak for all flourocarbans but the Berkley Vanish is hard to work with in jigging/lindy rig applications. When feeding line, the stuff has too much memory and just jumps off the spool, leaving a mess to tend to before you can set your hook. Cast and retrieve isn’t so bad, but I wasn’t impressed. I won’t be purchasing any more Vanish in the near future. Besides, I really like the superlines!

    Camp Lacupolis, MN
    Posts: 183

    Wet the line when you tie knots otherwise you’ll have a lot of break-offs.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402


    I would have to agree with stillakid the only thing I use fluorocarbon for is leaders on a 3-way and I only do that in the late fall or winter when you can see down about 3′ or more. This time of year there would be no reason to use it unless you like to have a lot of problems with line when you are on the water.

    See ya!


    Clemson, SC
    Posts: 53

    I agree with the Kid on this one. I spooled a line with Vanish tried it out the next day and the following day it came back off the spool. Just too much memory.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    hmmmmm gives you memory huh? maybe I better use it… cuz the PUP tells me I have NO memory…. so then I would at least finally have some!…..

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    If you need flourocarbon to aid in memory retention, you’re gonna want to put it where you’ll never forget it…………………somewhere like…………….err………………….say………………………..your nose! We’ll just attach a spool of it on your schnozzolla and you can hold the end of the line in your teeth. Then, every time you speak your “memory” can just unload in front of you!!! But I hear that stuff is pretty hard to see so we’ll have to put markings on it so you can identify it when we fluster the goggles off your face! SEE!?!?!? Man’s best friend IS a squid!!! :O) LOL! You know, the best part of the whole deal is mounting a crank on your lid to retain the “memory”! Maybe we can rig the crank to your cake hole like people do the windows of their houses too?!?! Hmmmm………….I need a design engineer to draft this one up!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    ohhhhhh eye sea!!!!

    a crank huh….. hmmmmmmmm I HOPE your talking shadrap type… cuz their are SOME kinds of cranks you gonna have to kill me to get on MY LIPS!!!!!

    so once Im “rigged” up… will this count towards the 3 lines/lures I can use as a wisconsin resident on border waters? (or is that boarder? SURFS UP!!)…….

    and of course Im going to want to tip those hooks…. maybe some “squid”…… just on tentacle… you sure wont miss it… wont you still have 8? or are you mutated?…….


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Hmmm……………..I think it’s worse than I professed! Look at the post……………….go ahead, I’ll wait………………….doo doopy dooo……………………….hmmmmm……………….tick, tick, tick………………………….DING! Ya done there Pop Tart? See, the subject was MEMORY…………not Shad Raps or tentacle tipping………………not 3 lines or less……………..see! You DO need help! Of all the things that do need work on you, I’m moving this memory issue to the top. We’ll have to work on your eyes, nose, walker, kickstand, pacemaker, and fishing skills later! :O) Whew! Good thing you got a nurse in the house! Speaking of, ‘member her name?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    why sure… her name is… errrrrr…. well….. ummmmm…. I call her Honey!!

    good thing I can still remember how to open a can of whup A**… now if only I can remember what to do after that……

    oh wait… whats this thing in my hand…. its black…. has a couple of buttons and an antenna…… I guess I will push the one that says HIGH…… *ZAAAAAAAP*……. *wow*… I didnt know PUPs could leap that HIGH!!!! guess thats what HIGH means!!! and look he left a vapor trail…… *snif*….. *YEWWWWWW*…. thats NOT vapor!!!!! ICK!!!

    oh yeah… now I remember… thats a shock collar controller!!!! *kewl*!!!!!! so thats what that little black box on the PUPS neck was….. LOL

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Shhhhh…………….don’t nobody tell but I think I musta flustered his goggles off again…………..I slipped the black box on “Honey”…………………..shewwwww is HE gonna be in trouble!! Hmm, hmm, hmm………………I hope he’s got a good explaination when she gets back………………especially in reference to “what’s between the ears”! C Ya later!

    Posts: 85

    I used Berkley Vanish last summer. No probs with knots or memory. I tried to use slip bobbering, but due to the density of the line it sank and left a submerged “belly” of line so did not work for bobbering. Drifting and rigging loved it. 6lb test outfished most everyone else. This spring went out and tried to tie a knot….break, break, break. Grabbed line gave a lil yank and pop. The line was rotten after 10 months and store gear in basement. So….back to fireline for me.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    shhhhhhhhhhh…. dont tell anyone…. but I snuck the “controller” into his grubby little paw….. Im not gonna have to explain NUTTIN Honey!!…. but…. I may have to get a new PUP!!


    NE Iowa
    Posts: 89

    Thanks for the info guys. I think I’ll stay away from the fluorocarbon

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    And while you’re being cautious about flourocarbon, steer clear of RiverDance too! He don’t help the fishin’ much and he’s mean to his “friends”. LOL! Just kidding! He’s good egg………………just a little cracked! :O)

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