Jeff, I hear you loud and clear. I share your reflection in that I can’t think of a time in which a gun would’ve made my personal outcome any better either.
I may be misunderstanding your words, so please forgive me if you feel singled out for a moment. Well, I’m responding so maybe I should ask your forgiveness no matter what? Well, either way, understand that I’m actually a lot like you and probably wouldn’t carry, even though I could.
I feel like your point is one of misconception. I feel like the mass populations regard this legislation as a social free-for-all with no regard for who carries the weapon. I don’t know what MN has in mind, but other states like FL and TX still require a registration of the weapon, and there are qualifications in that registration. People don’t run down to the government center to get their free 9mm to hide in their briefcases and lunchboxes.
Here’s what I don’t understand. I have a dad, a couple of brother-in-laws, a handful of uncles, a crowd of cousins, and a multitude of people I call friends. I’m not a bit bothered if anyone of them goes out and buys a handgun. Target enthusiast or hunter, they have the right to own these things. Now, I know that those I know who do indeed own handguns, are educated and extremely knowledgeable about the gun itself and the responsibilities that come with them. And more so, the consequences of negligence. If I trust these people to own these weapons, should I trust them less if they choose not to have it where I can see it? This is the reality of it. To vote against the conceal and carry is to vote against arms completely. No one’s talking about a free-for-all, making sure our kids are “packed”, or issuing arms to unqualified petitioners.
Guns and the carrying of them does not instill fear in the hearts of the law abiding people. McDonalds massacre’s and “postal” incidents instill fear in the hearts of the law abiding people. Did the absence of conceal and carry do anything to change these tragedies? No. But I’m willing to bet, in these VERY CLEAR, life threatening situations, if even one person would’ve had a gun, and the opportunity to use it, at least one other life would have been saved. Will concealed weapons stop someone who’s truly lost their sanity? No. It’ll be suicide in a “blaze of glory” and some may still perish. The mental state of any lunatic is not going to be controlled by the presence or absence of any law. But those who DO wish to live, will be influenced by the presence of a gun.
Does the presence or sight of a handgun make you nervous? Anyone? I ask, is it the gun, the person handling the gun, or the CNN Headline News that creates your discomfort? Guns are all over the place. In cars, homes, cabins, stores, etc………..and we’re unaware of most of them even being around. I don’t see people waiving guns around like freedom banners or pickett signs. There is caution and respect and privacy. C&C really only opens that door, a door that already exists, a little wider.
Studies of the criminal mind have pointed out that criminals look for vulnerability. A confident walk and/or attitude is all it takes to be “passed up”. Does anyone need stare down a barrel in this example? No. Because the confidence the concealed weapon gives SOME individuals decreases their likelihood to be chosen as a victim, simply by psychological posture. Now what might have been another incident or statistic has been successfully detered, not by the use or threat of use, but merely the presence, seen or unseen.
In northern WI there are cabins and lake homes galore and throughout these “low-crime” areas, you can find 2 things. One, most “yocals” own guns and aren’t afraid to use them, or let you know they’re not afraid to use them. So, don’t go messin’ around. Is this posture the result of low crime? No. Low crime is the result of that posture. Does low population = low crime? Then how do we explain the high rate of vandalism in these areas? And who do you suppose are the ones getting vandalized? Yep, you guessed it! Unoccupied cabins and lake homes! Unprotected. Vulnerable.
Are the “yocals” getting vandalized 1 to 3 times each year? Hmmmm…………..interesting. That leads me to believe that there are criminals in these areas, crimes being committed in these areas, and that they’re consistant with the studies. Vulnerability attracts predation. Low crime = country living? Not really. But there is the presence of another mentality that says, “You come mess with me I’ll blow your fool head off”. Most city folks don’t have this mindset and ARE TOO AFRAID TO USE IT EVEN IF THEY DID. Laws. Perceptions. Impressions. Possibilities of greater danger. I have relatives who have lived in the sticks all their lives and never been broken into, but leave a dwelling unoccupied and unprotected and it’s likely to get some company!
This whole issue revolves around human nature. We’ve got good eggs and bad eggs. This has always been and forever will be. Life is conquered by death and death is surpassed by new life. It’s a never ending cycle. There will always be laws and law breakers. Because of this truth, ………………this fact, it must be decided and accepted that something will inevitably go wrong. There is no perfection. There is no education, no weapon, no drug, that can or will remove this truth. We blame freedom when someone abuses it and pass law after law until there’s no freedom left. If we take away the guns, we’ll go back to knives and swords and spears. Take those away and we’ll still have rocks and clubs. Take those away and we’ll still have hand against hand, people against people conflicts and confrontations. It won’t matter if these things are against the law. So, if the law isn’t going to stop bad things from happening TO or FROM the people, why don’t we try and stop bad things BY the people?
See, this land we love and protect was founded on this truth………………..this fact. A republic was given, to be run FOR the people, BY the people. We’ve gotten away from that but guess what? That TRUTH is STILL THE TRUTH and now we’re having some problems……………. aren’t we? We want the government to do it all for us and yet so few of us want something to do with the actual getting things done, even for our own good. The government should pass laws and they should pay for this and that and “I should have a life of doing it my way with their full support”! Look at the nations on this planet. Say what you want, feel what you feel, but you study and you’ll find this truth everywhere you look. The greater the government, the lesser the prosperity. The greater the freedom (not doing as we see fit but keeping of responsibility within the people), the greater the prosperity. No exceptions.
C&C puts responsibility back into the hands of the people. It’s an exercise in freedom and the 39 states that currently have this legislation do show POSITIVE results. Does anything speak louder than results? A finished product of an effort? “Well, that’s good for those states but they ain’t never had to deal with Minnesotans!” …………..Gimme a break! We have RESULTS, results of living with it and living without it. What’s to debate?!
For the good of the republic, do I vote against C&C just because I would still choose, like many others, to NOT carry a gun? Do I sacrifice someone else’s suffering over my preferences? I openly admit, even with the right to C&C, I will be 99.99999% likely to continue living my life without exercising that right. I prefer to not carry a gun. But that’s just me. Yet, the results………….the daily, living truths………..I can’t ignore the results. My preferences can and will still be exercised, but for the good of the republic, if I’m to believe myself to be responsibly involved with the preservation of this republic and it’s future, I MUST recognize the results and ALLOW the better RESULT to make my choice. Not my personal preference. To exercise freedom is to preserve freedom…………….at all costs. And that means that sometimes, my preferences must come second.
We’ve got soldiers getting ready to preserve our freedom. Some have already paid the ultimate price. The least we can do is honor them and take on the mission of our issues at home.
If we pass C&C, there is a CHOICE to use it or ignore it. To not pass it removes the choice, and I, me………..the one I deal with everyday, cannot agree with another chip against freedom when the results speak louder than my own ideals.