Please ignore , this happend last year. Thanks though. FF

  • leinieman
    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I am very sorry to here about the loss of your son. Our yongest just turned 21 this past Monday and am going to sit him
    down and let him read this forum. I hope he gets the message loud and clear. Your in all
    of our prayers and please everyone let your kids male or female read this forum. It may
    help save someone else from this kind of tragedy in the future. Steve

    Posts: 50

    So sorry for your loss. Count me in for a release in Cory’s name.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    I cant imagine what you are going through right now-my thoughts are with you and you family.

    It is times like this when I wonder why there are so many people who stopped truly “living” long ago than seem to live to 100. Meanwhile, those that are full of life are often taken early. Or why so many loving couples have so much trouble conceiving children while high school girls cant keep from getting pregnant.

    Be thankful for the times you had and keep his memory alive. He will always be with you.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Also in our prayers! Our Condolences.
    The chapman family

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Very sorry to hear about your son.

    God bless you and your family,

    Posts: 304

    There’s nothing that can be said here,that hasn’t been by others.I’m the father of three boys and it brings me to tears to even try to imagine what you are going through.My deepest condolences to you and your’s.Everyone,go home and hug your kids or,someone you love tonight and tell them how much they mean to you.Make a habit of it.Mike

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Jeff, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. Your words will be read many times over by my 23 year old and his friends.
    Why the Lord took your son so early may never be known but keep up your faith and trust our prayers will be with you and your family in your tragic loss.

    Frank Lukes

    NW, IL
    Posts: 884


    You and your family are in our prayers. We’ll light a couple candles for your son and family this weekend. As a father of two, I can’t even of think of anything to say to comfort you.

    Marion Iowa
    Posts: 46

    Jeff Sorry to hear of your loss and May God help you thru this difficult time. Our prayers are with you and your family.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Some words sung by Steven Curtis Chapman:

    “With Hope”

    This is not at all
    How we thought it was supposed to be
    We had so many plans for you,
    We had so many dreams
    Now you’ve gone away
    And left us with the mem’ries of your smile
    And nothing we can say
    And nothing we can do
    Can take away the pain
    The pain of losing you

    But we can cry with hope
    We can say goodbye with hope
    ‘Cause we know our goodbye is not the end – Oh no
    And we can breath with hope
    ‘Cause we believe with hope
    There’s a place, where we’ll see your face………again.

    And never have I known
    Anything so hard to understand
    And never have I questioned more
    The wisdom of God’s plan
    But through the cloud of tears
    I see a Father’s smile and say, “Well done.”
    And I imagine you
    Where you wanted most to be
    Seeing all your dreams come true
    ‘Cause now you’re home and now your free

    And we can cry with hope
    We can say goodbye with hope
    ‘Cause we know our goodbye is not the end – Oh no
    And we can breath with hope
    ‘Cause we believe with hope
    There’s a place, where we’ll see your face………again.

    We have this hope as an anchor
    ‘Cause we believe that everything
    God promised us to be true.

    But we can cry with hope
    We can say goodbye with hope
    ‘Cause we know our goodbye is not the end – Oh no
    And we can breath with hope
    ‘Cause we believe with hope
    There’s a place, where we’ll see your face………again.

    We’ll see your face………….again.

    Posts: 2627

    As I read your post this morning I could feel your pain. I know we can’t make the pain go away but please remember that you are in alot of peoples’ prayers tonight. I wish I had something profound to say but all I can come up with is—I care. You, your family and Cory are in our prayers tonight and for the nights to come.
    The Simmons family

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 37

    Wow Jeff, I can’t imagine the suffering your going through. I hope you have faith that your son Cory is still with us in mind and spirit. It’s a wake-up call for all of us how precious life is. God bless you and your family.

    Eastman Wi
    Posts: 349


    You will be in our prayers also,our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.

    Len & Sandy Warland

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 214

    I am very sorry for your families loss of your son Cory. I cannot imagine the pain that you feel, but take comfort in knowing he is in a better place now. If there is anything I can do for you, please PM me. Ross

    Posts: 730

    The Webster family sends our condolences for the loss of your fishin’ partner and son. Know that you will be in the thoughts and prayers of all the great people on this site.
    Even tho few of us have ever met in person, we are like old
    friends because of our love of fishing and our belief that there is a God who will be with us in our times of sorrow.
    Stay strong and keep the faith!

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. The Adams’s

    Posts: 176

    Sorry to hear of such a tragic loss, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Sorry to hear of your loss, my sympathy goes out to you and your family. I’ll do my part to catch and release as many as I can for Cory.

    john mannerino
    Chicago IL
    Posts: 207

    The big man upstairs works in mysterious ways some times. I wish I could say something that would stop the hurt, but only time will do that. Just remember, he was taken to a great place!!!! SORRY for your loss, John Mannerino

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I would like to add my sympathies to the messages already here. I lost my Dad this past fall and have some idea of your pain. A day in the boat with a good friend helped me face the world again. When your ready we’ll be here.God be with you. Randy Anderson

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    My family and I have you and yours in our prayers also. So sorry to hear of your loss. My heart is heavy for you. May the Good Lord be with you and comfort you until the time when you can have comfort and understanding in your loss!
    The Tuckers

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Sorry to hear about Cory. God Bless and know that your family is in everyones thoughts and prayers.

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    My Heart goes out to you FISHINFOOL I know how it Feels. I’ve been there and its not a fun place to be. in 1994 my wife of 10 years was murdereed. the cops said it was a randomn act of violence. the guy is in prison for life. But I still feel the pain every day,

    Gods SPeed to your pain my friend

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Cory is in my prayers. God bless him on his new journey to his new home. He is at peace now, with God.

    I will release many fish in his name! I’m on the opposite end of things. My father of 80 years old was 46 when I was born. He is my fishing and hunting partner. He taught me everything. Not only about hunting and fishing, but also about life, when we were out in the woods or on the water. He made me the man I am today, yet I will never be half the man he is. Age is catching up with him, yet he doesn’t give up on our trips. Times are a little shorter on the water, walks are a little shorter in the woods. But it doesn’t matter. Why, because I’m spending quality time with him, JUST LIKE YOU did with Cory. Cheerish those moments, for your time on the water was “your guy’s time”. Those memories will be with you forever, and some day, you will meet up with him again, and you will go fishing again.

    God Bless you and your family. You have my deepest sympathy. I feel your pain and wish you strength and courage from God.

    Bless you and your family.

    The Wellman Family

    West Central WI
    Posts: 23

    my deepest sympathy to you and your wife. As a father I can not imagine the pain which and your wife must now be feeling. I can only hope that a day will come, when you are on the water, the sun dancing off the trees as it sets, a warm breeze will cross your cheek, and you will know he is there.
    God Bless you,
    Tim Ingebritson

    Posts: 110

    My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I have a son who will soon start driving. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to get this message. My heart goes out to you.

    bloomington mn. covebay millelacs
    Posts: 55

    :angelDear Jeff, my husband Bob and I covebay guy lost our son to suicide Oct 27,96. Fishing has kept us together, as I look to a sunset or the blue water and think of him as we fish. The pain does not go away you only live with it! We would love to get together, our son was 18 and just granduated from high school. It takes a huge toll on your whole family. Please write us anytime. We will release for your son with prayers, please do the same for ours. Bob and Bobbi alias Bob Cove Bay We are lucky for our angels in heaven to watch out for us.
    guy. God Bless and Gods Speed!!!

    Eau Claire
    Posts: 44

    Jeff, There is little one can say that will ease your pain. I work in a line of duty that surrounds me with death and suffering on a weekly basis. My experience has taught me that no two people handle it the same. Keeping trust in your faith may be difficult at this time, but it is that same faith that will see you through. Surround yourself with family and friends for they will serve as your strength when you have none left. Even if you don’t feel its necessary, I’d strongly suggest talking with others who have traveled the road your currently walking. You’d be suprised how many people out there are waiting to serve as a moral crutch. Be assured that prayers for Cory are raining down on heaven from all of us. Like others here, I’ll always have a lending ear. Best wishes and God Bless.

    Posts: 64

    This is a post that we don’t ever want to see or hear of. A father who has spent 21 years raising a fine young hunter and fisherman to be a good man, and now it has all been taken away. I am very sorry for your loss. I believe that you see many people care about you and your situation due to the heavy load of responses. You will be prayed for.

    Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1495

    My sympathy goes out to you and your family.

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