Pool 3 – dangerous to a rookie?

  • thumperw
    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 93

    I’ve never fished the Mighy Miss before. I noticed in the MN regs that gamefish (except Muskie) are open continously. With next week’s inland season’s closing, I’m getting pretty interested in the “next season”.

    When does the Mississippi usually open up to fishing boats?

    Would it be foolishly dangerous to try fishing the Mississippi for the 1st time in Spring? I’m sure the water’s higher and faster than normal. What are the dangers involved and should they keep me off the river?

    I’ve fished the upper St. Croix, from Hudson up to Grantsburg (mostly above the Taylor’s Falls dam) though usually Summer or early Autumn. My boat is a Lund S14 (shallow V w/ aprox. 60″ beam) w/25hp outboard. I do have a depth finder and 36lb back troller. Is this enough experience and boat to handle the Miss in Spring?

    – Rick

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    if the river gets too dangerous they will close it to navigation…. just use your head and your eyes, avoid ice, debris when the river is high can be hazardous… and then of course wingdams will get ya if you dont look out…… but stay within the navigation buoys when your running at speed and you will be fine…….. the Miss is not like a big lake so the only waves you need fear are generated by other boats….. basically use your head and even pretty small boats are safe… dont use your head.. and even pretty big boats might not be safe……

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    You had mentioned Pool 3, there are a lot of cuts and backwater opportunities in Pool 3. Smaller boats are great to gain access to some of these areas. There is also prtions of the Vermillion River that are considered boundary waters. Just be careful though, regardless of boat size, and you can have a lot of fun.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Although I think the river is largely safe, if it’s something you’re worried about, throw something on the “Trip Swap” forum a couple weeks in advance and see if you can get one of the hard-core river guys in your boat.

    There’s nothing that can stand against first-hand experience, and my confidence is high that there are numerous people on this board who would be glad to help.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    I would also recommend that you find someone to give you some education about rivers. They can be hazardous if you don’t know what you are doing.
    But always take your time.
    Good fishing

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    The Corps used to give a boating safety class twice a year at Rock Island Arsenal. Don’t know if they do it anywhere else on the river, but the base made you take the class before they’d let you rent one of their boats.

    Don’t let them scare you – I remember when I went I was more than a little nervous with all the talk about tows, navigation hazards, wingdams; you name it. At times, it was so thick I thought they were trying to discourage people from going! After one or two trips on the river, it will be obvious what is going on. Stay between the bouys, give tows lots of room. Put those rules to the test and eventually you will lose.

    Good resources follow:


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    One thing to remember about Pool 3. The section from the St Croix on up to the dam is considered “Inland Waters” and is also closed after Feb 16. Also, since it is Inland Waters, you can only use one line. See guys get busted every year for violating those two rules.

    As has been mentioned, there are guys here who will share a seat and show you around. I’m one of them. Shoot me a message when the ice goes off pool 3. I’ll take you out.

    Jon J.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi Thumper, pool 3 down river of Prescott all the way to IA. are the sections that are open all year. just about all the requlars on this site live for time on the river and are very knowledgeable and can offer alot of info. I’d recommend for your first time out on pools 3 or 4, is to call Tuck, James or Dustin. they can provide an excellent start on presentations and river safety. Go to the archive section on this site for many, many excellent articles, and last years posts to begin your river journey. Catch and release on nicer fish is appreciated. have fun. Jack..

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 93

    Thanks to all who replied on this thread. I’ll try to get some assistance my first few times out! I’ll also keep gleening all I can from FTR – You guys are GREAT!:)

    – Rick “Thumper” Torgerud

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