OK guys, I’m sitting at work over my lunch hour planning my strategy on attacking Pool 3 this evening. I’m looking at a map the DNR sent me. Not a lot of detail, but functional I believe. On this map there are instructions for navigating the locks. Since I’ve never navigated a lock, I’m wondering how accurate the instructions are:
1. Signal lock, pull notification signal rope.
2. Wait for green light and enter lock.
3. Kill engine, observe mooring lines.
4. Upon completion of the lock filling or emptying when gates are fully open, a signal will be give by the lock operator to depart the lock.
Alright, can someone please shed some light on this for me. What are the mooring lines used for?? Is this how you get through the lock without your motor?? How long does it take to navigate a lock?? Are there any stead-fast rules that I should be aware of to save myself a butt-chewing from someone??