Education Needed!!!

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I hate reading this kind of stuff but it happens SO OFTEN!!! Someone needs to formulate some sort of education course regarding ice, safety, and survival. Maybe vehicles should just be banned from ice travel!!! This is just so stupid and yet it’s “ignorant” stupid. So many assume everything’s okay and they don’t even know the danger that lurks!

    Guys and Gals, I know a great many of you enjoy the ice season but these warmer winters are wreaking havoc on our “standards” and taking lives.

    Yes, I’m venting……………but I’m tired of hearing at least once a week about somebody losing their life on the ice and I don’t hear what’s being done to prevent it accept pleas to “use your head”. Well, if your head isn’t full of the right stuff, it’s not going to do you any good anyway!!! Does anyone know of something out there to educate people about ice, it’s properties, and the latest greatest survival knowledge? I’d like to enroll my family so I can reduce our chances of tragedy in the future.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    You simply cannot legislate against stupidity!

    I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was 16-17. Thank God I made it through….. The kids today are doing the same thing we did when we had a license and a car at age 16-17. Shitties on the lake…crusin’ Until you make it a law that you don’t drive till you are 21, you will see this and the other dozen teen traffic deaths in the last 3 weeks! (I’m not for age 21 limits, just making a point!)

    I agree you cannot educate enough. They should teach it in driver ed maybe…?? Course on Ice…. I think the biggest factor in this tragic event is the driving on ice at night. I have to believe this would not have happend during the day! The open water was posted.

    Prayers to the Family.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I agree with you Jon…………we all did it but so much of that playing was really innocent fun and I hate, literally hate, seeing these young people end up a tragic statistic! I want them to have their fun and live to see another day. I do remember that age and it’s a miracle I’m even alive myself…………. I just hate seeing it happen Jon and I don’t want the freedoms taken away, I just want to see something available that exposes the consequences, much like they try to do with cigarettes and alcohol. There are too many not realizing the threat. They are taught the dangers of the road in class. Some listen, some don’t. But imagine if there was no class at all! We’d have chaos!

    I’d just like to see some education made available, specific education regarding ice and the dangers that come with it. At least increase the odds of surviving an incident………….. I don’t have answers. It’s kind of like the sex issue……….. the only sure way to prevent it is abstainance and that’s a soapbox I won’t stand on, regarding ice anyway. Forgive me, I’m just having a hard time with the frequency of incidents resulting in death this year………is it this way all the time or is this the first time I’ve paid attention?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    wow… tragic…. and senseless too….. actually its amazing that she got out of the car… what do you bet she was scared to death out there and had the door open….. at night once the vehicle goes under you have NO way of knowing whats up or down…. its just pure luck if you make it out of the vehicle AND find your way back to the hole…. one of my fishing buddies was a naval rescue diver and his training included underwater at night…. he said because essentially your weightless underwater you have NO idea whats up or down…..even in scuba gear its dangerous….
    at night, on the ice, is a dangerous deal….. with open water present… its practically suicidal…..

    Big E
    Saint Paul, MN area
    Posts: 159

    The best education starts at home… getting your kids to realize and respect the dangers. Unfortunately, the toughest part is also getting youngin’s to realize it CAN happen to them.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    it should be tought somewhere but it would be hard to get the people that should be going going. My dad is a driver’s ed teacher and i know the last thing he would want to do would be to teach ice safety seminar’s because if someone is dumb enough to think they are immortal to it well that is their problem. it could be tought but the right people that need it wouldn’t show up and driver’s ed is not the right course for it. hunter’s education should be one if anything.

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