Croix last weekend

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Just wondering if anyone got out after any fish on the Croix over the weekend. I was out yesterday……………ALL DAY………………..and had real tough go at it from Stillwater to the high bridge. Met a lot of “tough day” boats so I’m wondering if anyone else was out there, how ya did, and where you were doing what. I know, it’s a lot to ask but I’m hungry!!!! :O) Thanks!

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Fished with Turk all weekend. UNfortunately, we had a little technical difficulty, keeping us from high mobility! We managed a few sauger and a walleye. One 3 pound flat head while trolling. All fish were caught lead lining! The shallowest(word?) came in 8ft, both came as soon as the sun fell below the tree line!!.!!! I “heard” from a guy at the Bayport landing that they caught several nice dads straight out in the channel from Bayport! The heat of the day Saturday made things rough if you ask me!!!

    Saturday evening, we were robbed quite a few times while flathead fishing( 1:00am). New too me, so I must not have had the timing worked out right!! We fished and camped up stream from bayport. What were you fishing in, probably saw ya!!!!

    Marine on St. Croix
    Posts: 35

    I hit the Croix very hard all weekend. Fished mainly beween the Apple River and Marine on St. Croix. Our results were very poor. We got e few small Walleyes in the 11 to 12″ range and a few smallmouth. It’s been very tough for about 10 days along this stretch. The areas that normally hold fish are dead holes!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Jim W.,

    Around 6:30-7am, just north of the Stillwater bridge you passed a little aluminum boat with a little camo colored 6hp heading north. You were heading south. There were 2 guys in it, myself and SteveO. We waved because SteveO recognized Turk and we were just talking about his “new” boat. Sound familiar? Small World! :O)

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Leadhead, just wanted to share that if you want bigger walleyes, you need a bigger lure…………..LOL…………..I caught a 14.5″ on a Tony Rizzo Trophy Tail!! LOL! Thanks for the input!

    Marine on St. Croix
    Posts: 35

    The walleyes we caught were just a little longer then the #7 Shad Raps we used … there is no way they could have swallowed a minnow that size. I don’t know what they were thinking.

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Yes it does!! In fact, Turk said, “there goes STeve O”!!! Heck, I missed out on personally meeting the other half of the “Odd Couple”(Rivereyes and Stillakid2)!!!!!

    Turk mentioned(he would be the better report info guy) that the fishing south on the Croix was better! Sounds like(and from what we experienced) they were pretty scattered, but if you found some, stick with’em!

    The Croix is a very mesmurizing and tantalizing body of water! Can’t wait to try her again!!!!

    Keep the rods bendin’!!! Jim w

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4525

    On size of bait issue…over opener I caught a 12″ walleye. While taking my hook out I looked in and saw a tail. From its stomach, I pulled out a 7″ walleye that looked fairly fresh. I know that they can eat some surprisingly big bait, but I was really shocked that such a small fish would follow up a large meal with another 3-4″ rainbow chub. I know it was possible that it was just striking out of instinct. But we were using lindy rigs, so it kept it in its mouth for 5-7 seconds waiting for me to stick him.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    Thanks again for the seat in the boat! Saw part of the ‘Croix that I never had the pleasure of fishing. Walleye on a big in-line spinner. Amazing. By the other reports, I may not have been the”jinx” I thought I was. I’ve got good news on the project we were working on. Thumbs up!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Hey man, jinx or no jinx, you’re welcome to fish with me anytime it’s a workable thing! :O) I think I’m going to try that muskie lure for some crappies this coming weekend! LOL! Maybe I should start rigging that on a bottom bouncer! :O) Anyway, private me the good news details so I can do my part! Thanks again for the great company and I’ll get you on some better results next time!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    By size relativity, maybe we should’ve been pulling 9 or 10 inch Suicks!! :O)

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Ya that’s what is called the new boat blues, long story. long story,…still pissed of about the whole affair by the way… anyway for working north of stillwater in the heat 3 legals is all right, we fished from 9:30 am saturday until 7:00 am sunday. It was nice to meet “Sarge”, good patient fisherman. We had ample flathead opportunities but the fish were not hooked! Bummer, well LOL,

    Keep Catchin’

    n. st. paul,mn
    Posts: 57

    read all you boys reports and oit sounds like you you have the mid-summer blues. I give you a little advice for the summer time, stay south of the stillwater bridge during this time of year. All the bait fish are growing and are congregating in these large lake areas. I was out sun. afternoon and all day mon. and caught close to 40 fish total with most around the slot size. I keyed on the steep breaks on both sides , trolling cranks in 15- 35 feet of water. I tried fishing with spinners on some of my favs. but had no such luck.Hope this helps boys, if not e-mail me and maybe I’ll give up a little more info for trade? TURK… sounds like you might need some to take you out fishing, my rates are as follows… just kidding, call me lets cat thjis weekend.FISH ON !!!!!

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