I noticed that the Wisconsin record for Sauger is 5lbs 13oz. MN is like 6lbs 3oz. Does anyone know if a MN resident with a WI license can take the record while fishing the Miss?
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Wisconsin Sauger record
July 17, 2001 at 6:11 am #231624
I’d say yes, as long as it was caught on the wisc. side of the channel and verified as such.
July 17, 2001 at 12:13 pm #231635actually I dont think so…. the rules books states that you MUST fish under the license of your resident state on border waters…. therefore I would guess you might not be able to register your fish…. sounds like another question for warden stone……
July 17, 2001 at 1:17 pm #231640RiverEyes, Before I let that (shot out of the saddle) feeling get to me, here’s the scenario:
being an Iowegian or foreigner to some, and always looking for greener grasses, I hop on my best holstein and with freshly sheared Sheeba for company we find our way to Pepin. I get a non-resident Minn. license for me and wheat subways for molly and sheeba, I was told they didn’t need licenses but can’t remember why. Anyway I decide to fish the Wisc. side of the channel and holy cow, (pun intended) I catch a monster sheepshead. Down Sheeba!! Could be a record. Do I try to register it? And in which state?
Or am I just milking with two fingers?July 17, 2001 at 2:10 pm #231642LOL…. now being of mixed backgrounds (or just plain mixed up!) I can appreciate that story…. when I came up here from Ioway I had to sell the cow, or did I trade it for magic beans? I dunno… anyhoo….. Ifn you gotta Mn License… you HAVE to register it in Mn otherwise you will be “busted” for fishing Wisconsin without a liscense!.. and though technically this would probably be “illegal” I BET you could slip over and BUY a non-res Wisconsin License (dont let on that you did not posses it when you caught your monster!)… then come walking back in a couple of minutes later with the new state record sheepie (baaaaaaa!)….. but being from Iowa, wont you be confused because it dont really look like a sheep? I know I was the first time I saw one!!
July 17, 2001 at 2:37 pm #231644Ok, seriously, I was under the impression because of recipracle (spelling) agreements, that if you had either a wisc. license OR a Minn. license you were allowed to fish the whole area comprising the boundary waters. I know we can down here on the Miss. between Ia. and Wisc.
July 17, 2001 at 2:38 pm #231645If a boat sinks on the boarder of MN and WI, wherer are the survivors buried (assuming the cats dont get to them first).
You can stick your head up a butchers a*s, but I would rather take his word for it.
July 17, 2001 at 2:46 pm #231648with a license from either state that borders the mississippi you can fish the entire channel and the backwaters that lay on the channel side of the RR tracks on either bank of the river…. reciprocity allows this…. but to register a fish as a record in a particular state would require you to have a license from THAT state….. Ive put in a query to Warden Martin Stone about this….. I dont know about the requirments for registering such fish……
July 17, 2001 at 5:36 pm #231669ok, thanks
Hey wait a minute. Wasn’t even my question to begin with.
Sorry markvan.
Edited by herb on 07/17/01 12:39 PM.
July 17, 2001 at 5:41 pm #231671But you did have a question, if I recall correctly! Musta got wound up in that celebration last night eh? :O)
Posts: 229July 17, 2001 at 8:18 pm #231678You can fish the Mississippi with a license from any bordering state. As far as which side of the channel a fish is caught on……I`ve never heard of that entering into the equation. What if you hook a monster fish on the Wis side and it runs to the MN side? Fish caught in boundary waters are under the juristiction of the state that you are licensed to fish in. MN licesne…..MN record. WI license….WI record.
I beleive that is how it works, but I`m not Marty Stone so we”ll have to wait for his final answer. BeavJuly 17, 2001 at 8:59 pm #231681I’m pretty certain Beav and Rivereyes is right. If I catch the new record smallie out of the Croix, I know it would have to be the WI record being challenged. Being a WI resident, I’m not eligible for MN records until I hit “inland waters”. So I’m feeling very positive that the reverse is true as well.
July 17, 2001 at 9:32 pm #231683If Molly and Sheeba are under the age of sixteen they do not require a license. But, any fish they may catch must be in “your” daily limit and subsequent possession. If you want them to keep limit, but them a license…I think that may have been in your initial questioning…
WJuly 17, 2001 at 9:47 pm #231684As long as we’re diving into this, let me clarify for MN for sure. WI I believe may be different but because this addresses nonresident licenses, I’d have to get back to the WI side of the question.
In MN, what you’re saying about “Molly and Sheeba” is correct, but there’s more. If you buy a “personal” license, those family members under the age of 16 ARE subject to your limits. However, buy a “family” license and your immediate offspring are entitled to THEIR OWN limit. The price for a personal nonresident license is $35.00. I think the family license is only $45-50 so if you’re looking at anyone else fishing for a limit, it’s worth the extra to cover the whole clan. LOL! I gotta start keeping a copy of all the regs at work with me so I have some reference!
July 17, 2001 at 11:45 pm #231686Still-a Kid, In Wisconsin as far as I know, as long as the youth catch their own fish they are entitled to keep them up to their daily bag limit or possession limit. The adult fishing with them is not entitled to help them fill their limits.
I wonder why Minnesota would not allow youth to keep the fish they catch as long as they follow the regulations. It seems kinda cruel to tell a young angler that you can fish but you can’t keep what you catchJuly 17, 2001 at 11:56 pm #231687But remember Birdman, I’m referring to “nonresident” licenses. A MN resident license may very well let the youth have there own limit, simply because they don’t need a license to fish anyway. I’m not sure how MN sets it up for the residents, only the Nonresidents, cuz that’s what I have to purchase and read up on. I think you’re right on the WI resident limits, but I’m still unsure how WI treats the nonresident license holders.
July 18, 2001 at 12:12 am #231689Still-a – Kid, it makes sense why you wouldn’t increase the bag limit for kids fishing non-resident. I suppose some would use their kids as a tool to increase their personal bag limit. I’m not sure how Wisconsin handles nonresidents. Their family license includes children 16 to 17 years old. I would think that the younger children would be allowed to keep their limit since its not specified in the rules. It states that non-residents under 16 don’t need a license.
Posts: 152July 18, 2001 at 2:41 am #231693A resident child under 16 years does not need a license and can posess a limit of fish in minnesota.
Edited by predator 2 on 07/17/01 09:42 PM.
July 18, 2001 at 3:42 am #231696MN resident child may possess a limit, a non-res child must have a license, or the family license to be able to possess a limit. This is in regards to, I imagine, a family with many children taking home limits to other states. I take my one limit of eyes back with me, for family fish feed, but if kiddo catches hers, which she usually does, they go into MY bag limit.
July 18, 2001 at 6:18 am #231700Oh heck, I think I’ll just leave Molly and Sheeba to home and fish by myself. They’re more interested in grazing the salad bar anyway. One of you guys interested in adopting me? I don’t make a lot of noise in the boat and I have a large bladder. Very few pit stops.
This thread goes in more directions than I realized. GeeeezzzJuly 18, 2001 at 10:03 am #231703Herb,
Why should this thread be any different than the others on this board? LOL! Tangents are half the charm! Good Fishin’!
July 18, 2001 at 1:04 pm #231706That’s true. And I even learned about something called Family Licenses.
July 18, 2001 at 1:13 pm #231707well Herb… I could consider adoption… afterall I need someone for the PUP to “maul” .. but you have to sit in the same seat with him! maybe you can help him figure out how to not get his line tangled up in the trolling motor?
LOLJuly 18, 2001 at 2:02 pm #231710Correct me if I am wrong-but my father went fishing with his grandson and wasnt sure if he could take home 2 limits. To be careful, he limited himself to 6 fish for the weekend. I read the regs from MN DNR, and from what I understood my father was OK with his fish. My nephew’s fish would count against his father’s limit. It stated that an child under 16 yrs can possess fish under the limit of his parent or gaurdian. This confused me a little, because I thought that minors could have their own limit. Can a child under 16 possess fish if a parent doesnt have a license(my brother did, but just curious). If a parent has an individual license, I assume that the family can have only one limit. So does the family license allow a limit per person?
Like we have said before, the law seems a little vague. BTW, they were fishing Lake Vermillion which is FULL of 14-15″ walleyes. So a limit of these may only be 3lbs of walleye fillets for a weekend. Enough, but not exactly excessive harvest.
July 18, 2001 at 2:06 pm #231712River Eyes:
I am a MN. resident , my son-in-law and daughter live in Wis. He has an individual license, she has none . Can she still fish on my family license , what about my grandkids? I also have a Wi license can I take my record sheepshead to Wi if caught on the river? What about my grandkids. And do I now get to vote in Wi?July 18, 2001 at 4:02 pm #231718I think Im suffering from overload!! *eek*… it does really get a bit complicated when your talking fishing Mn residents and Wi residents out of the same boat……. Warden Stone told me when in doubt assume the more restrictive regulation… Im still waiting for more details on the “state record” questions…..
your daughter if she is under 21 CAN share your family license….. your grandkids if under 16 can share their Dads license but their fish count towards his limit….
as for voting in Wisconsin…. well maybe if you didnt vote for Jesse you will be required to vote in Wisconsin next time? I dunno, but Im PRETTY sure a fishing license has no part of it!!
man this must be stump the goofball day!! just cuz StillaPUP is gone fishing and there is no one else to pick on??
Normally Jon J is the keeper of the Mn regulations!! but I have both sets of regs here….July 18, 2001 at 4:33 pm #231721Wow!!! I have not been back to the board since I posted my (simple) question to RiverEyes. Thanks all to everyone who responded. It makes me feel good that everyone else is as messed up as I am! (Ha!) Since I have two licenses, MN resident and WI non-resident. I would hope that I could register my record fish under my non-resident WI license. As for the kids, they won’t clean them anyways so why should they keep a limit also.
July 18, 2001 at 4:41 pm #231722Ok, here’s how I understand the rules:
MN Residents –
Children under 16 can possess their own limit. Regardless if their parents are licensed or not. If the parents are not licensed, they cannot in any way assist in taking the fish. (ie – the parent could not net the fish for the kid.) If the parents are licensed, they can have their own limit, and a limit for each kid.Non MN Residents –
Parents have non-resident FAMILY License. Kid and parents may possess their own limitsParents have non-resident INDIVIDUAL License. Kid’s limit counts towards parents limit.
Non-resident kid can purchase non-resident license and possess their own limit.
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