The reason you don’t see a buoy in RiverEyes pictures are because these wingdams are not in the navigation channel. The Army Corp of Engineers doesn’t bother to mark hazards that aren’t in the main navigation channel. The navigation channel (i.e. the locks in this particular case) is on the opposite side of the island. L&D #3 is kind of odd in that there is an island that separates the locks from the gates.
I’d have to disagree with Rivereyes about his comment that if a buoy is by a wingdam that it’s by accident. I’d guess well over half the buoys in most of the upper pools are placed right at the tip of a wingdam. Why… because the wingdams create the navigation channel and and that’s what the buoys mark. If there is a long series of wingdams the Corp will usually at least place one at the first and last wingdam but not every wingdam in between. Or if there is a series of wingdams on an outside bend they’ll often place a buoy on each one. They want to keep the barges from hitting the wingdams and creating some huge ecological nightmare.
The wingdams are most easily seen when there is a light upwind breeze. The ripple line is really pronounced in this case. A 30 mph downstream wind will destroy the ripple line making them very hard to see. Any slight breeze in any direction is better than flat clam however.
Closing dams generally are not marked because they’re not in the navigation channel. Closing dams are like wingdams but they generally extend the entire length of side channels to keep the water in the main channel. Watch out for these!
Did you ever notice how the red buoys have a pointed top but the green ones have a square top? I’m almost certain the fins on top of the buoys are placed there so they give a good radar echo. A simple round barrel doesn’t give a good echo. Does anyone know if the red and green buoys give different echo signals?
This is getting a lot longer than I intended but one more thing…. I set the shallow alarm on my depth finder so it beeps is I get too shallow when fishing the wingdams. Helps save nicks in the prop.