In a post last week the question was posed…”can Wisconsin residents use 3 rods on the Mississippi”…. I wrote Warden Martin Stone of the Wisconsin DNR… he was on vacation but responded to me this morning……. here is a quote from his email…… he noted that there are always lots of questions about this…. (thank you Mr Stone!)…..
–Wisconsin residents & WI license holders from states other than Minnesota
can fish with three lines or three baits out to & on the main channel. Once
you leave the main channel area and go into MN back water areas, you are
required to follow MN laws. The same holds true for WI waters.
–The laws states you must obey the laws on which State’s waters you are
fishing or boating.
–If you are a WI resident or are a WI license holder from a state other
than MN and want to fish with three lines or baits outside of the main
channel area into the MN back waters, call the local MN warden and ask his
soooooooo Jon… guess you will be sending that taildancer to stillapup? I suggest you file the hook points off!! you wouldnt want him to hurt hisself now would you?? or maybe you should just supersize it?? does he get fries with it?