I was also gonna let this one pass, but I don’t think I should. Remember so there are no misconceptions here I am a meateater. MR. Roach has given so much to this sport, that I’ll leave the judging to someone else. I’ll spend the time judging myself first and then sorry guys, judging, not speaking for my fellow guides.
One of the first things I hear, (from guide customers when booking a trip), is can we keep some fish or are you all catch and release. My answer is now pretty much always the same, walleye 15-20 inch and one over 28″.(This has been pretty much the accepted guidelines for those of us that actually make a big part of our living guiding). And then I say , lets try to keep no more than six. That means , no we are not including six fish for me,(when I fish), and even if there are three of you let’s only keep six fish. I can’t remember ever having anybody give me a hard time.
Bass almost nobody wants to keep one under 7#s so that is handled already, and everything else is take your limit, if you want. Do I ever fudge, absolutely. On a day where it just isn’t happening if a 22-23 incher comes in the boat without eggs am I gonna keep it. Only if the customer asks, but yes then. I’m sure that some of my customers, don’t like how I say it,”You don’t want to keep this one, do you?”
but I mean it just like I say it and then it is up to them to decide.
Next as to judging myself as a guide and a meateater: There was a time very recently when I kept my limit and so did my guide customers. It is honestly hard for me at this time to keep more than three or four fish a week to eat.
Secondly judging, but not speaking for some of my fellow guides, (even though it is hypocritical because of my past habits), a lot of folks that guide around here leave the water with full limits , for all the bodies in the boats(remember guys some of your guide customers are also my customers and some of you would be suprised how many times , I hear “I can’t believe we kept that many fish”, obviously sometimes never being asked if they want to keep them all.(I would bet in the past some of you have heard the same thing about me ). I have probably in the past have assumed that mistake way to many times, myself. Most do the size limit thing, and some don’t even know it exists.
I have been told numerous times that there are more fish than we can ever catch,(You have seen me post that exact phrase,and I was wrong). But recently from those who we depend on to know the next sentence of information is , “Did you know some years we have 85% natural mortality”,(a very recent discovery for me), It’s hard to buy the first one when you hear the 85% thing. We can all really hurt this population , even on pool 4. Unless you don’t know it I have been pushing for about a year now to go with catch and release for Walleye, in the three prime spawning weeks, at least on the rivers where the numbers are so concentrated(with dams). This could have cost me $4200.this year and might cost my only loyal Sponsor even more, but just what if we don’t and the population dwindles???? I have also been asking for a 4 fish limit for walleye tourneys, all year long. I really believe that we can hurt the walleye population very badly.
I could have easily kept 630 or more walleye already this year on guide trips that went back in the water. Much to their credit most fish went back in with my guests approval.
I have to commend Nate for standing up for what he believes. Not very long ago he and I were strongly on different sides of the issue and frankly I gave him a pretty hard time. His words and my amazement at the 85% Mortality thing, have continued over the past year changing me back to the position that it is better to be wrong on the side of conservation, than wrong on the side of overfishing. Being part Native American I have to say that the elders have most, always said keep only what you can eat, but I sure didn’t use to pay much attention. Jeremy is right you all have the right to choose and the only real limit now is the legal limit,and that we all can make our own choice to be more conservative. I hope all of us will rethink what we do with the resource. I know all of you appreciate the resource. Lawrence Ecklor
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