here’s a pretty good story for ya.
as i posted earlier a friend and i were down fishing the foot of the lake on thursday. did pretty good chasing around the white bass for a couple of hours. even though the fishing was great i will still remember this trip for something very strange that we saw:
as we were motoring from one bunch of seagulls to another feeding frenzy that was going on a couple hundered yards away i noticed something putruding out of the water. at first glance a thought it was a log or stump that was floating around. i even told my friend to watch out for the stick. he noded, but as we got closer i could tell it wasn’t a log and thought it must be a big turtle. it took until it was about 5 yards infront of us that i realized it wasn’t a turtle, it was a GAIGANTIC, HUGEMUNGOUS, almost MONSTEROUS looking northern (musky?)!!! it was holding its self at a 45 degree angle to the water with its head about 2′ out of the water and its very toothy mouth WIDE OPEN!! i couldn’t believe my eyes as i watched it swirl away once are boat was practically by it. that thing must have been waiting for one of them seagull to make the mistake of thinking it was a striper and grab em right out of the air (it was certainly big enough to eat a seagull).
thats the ony thing i could think of. has anyone else ever see anything like this or have any clue what else it could have been doing in such a strange postion