• bubbak
    Posts: 4

    I leave tomorrow morning for Minnesota to visit some friends. I’ve never fished the Upper Miss. My buddy has access to a nice fishing boat and we plan to fish Pool 3 (wherever and whatever that is) for 2 mornings during the trip. Can anyone give me any educated advice as to what would be our best bet catching some fish in this area….programs = baits, areas of pool 3, species to target, etc? Any help would be appreciated! Although I fish Lake Erie on a weekly basis, my buddy isn’t an avid angler and has never really fished the river.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    For some easy cheesy fishing, with little or no navigational challenges, the Prescott WI area, right where the confluence of the St. Croix and Mississippi come together is a good bet. A 3/4 ounce sinker on a three way, and a small Rapala Husky Jerk about 6 feet behind it, trolled in 30 feet is producing sauger in the main channel just north of the Hiway 10 bridge. And up and down both shore lines you can cast the shorelines with beetle spins, and jigs w/twister tails. Smallmouth fishing has been spotty but good enough to keep one busy.

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    If youare interested in catfishing?? Dirk W. from the board has really been catching some BIG cats…. 40 + pders.. I am sure he would lead you in the rite direction if you sent him a p.m

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    If you are interested in catfishing?? Dirk W. from the board has really been catching some BIG cats…. 40 + pders.. I am sure he would lead you in the rite direction if you sent him a p.m

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