• Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have a friend who is fishing the Minnesota Pro/Am Bass Tournament on August 17th on pools 5 & 6 going out of Winona. He would like to hire a guide to prefish on August 10th or 11th. If you are interested you can reply to me here or send me a PM or a e-mail.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m already booked…. but I’d recommend Mr. Stewart in an instant. Good luck with the search…

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    I know of couple of guys that have fished pool 5 before. If he is interested I can set you up with one.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Thanks for the recomendation Holst! But I have never fished pool 5 before and I am thinking our buddy Jarad would be more suitable to accomodate this guy on his venture.

    Iowa, Davenport
    Posts: 144

    I don’t know what this tourney is but your buddy needs to make sure he can legally do it.
    I’ve pre-fished with BASS guys, RedMan guys, Federation guys, local guys, they all have different rules. A polygraph has a way of catching up with a guy.

    Kensyl Reading———-EFN ProStaff
    Ol’ Miss Guide Service

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    dont forget about the little brother.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I just sent him a e-mail with a link to this post asking him what he wants to do, I should hear from him by the morning. I take it you are not available, are your friends rates the same as yours?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I received an answer back from my friend on the legality of hiring a guide, still waiting for an answer if he wants me to set him up with a guide. Here is what he had to say.

    The question about the legality of hiring a guide is a good one. The
    rules were changed this year to allow the participants to hire a local to
    take them fishing. I did confirm with the Tournament director earlier
    in the year that this is legal, as long as we are fishing together. What
    is not legal is hiring someone to fish for me, come back and tell me
    where to fish during the tournament. Last years rules would have
    prevented me from hiring a guide a week before the tournament. I am not sure
    why they did this, it may have been inadvertent, and they may change the
    rules back next year, but I haven’t hear any complaints.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I just sent you a e-mail, my friend Dave wants to go ahead and book that trip

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I don’t know when he is planning on prefishing, but next weekend (August 10th) is the Fountain City Lions Club Bass tournament in Pool 5a ( I think you can go up or down Pools as you please though). Should be about 50 boats out there to watch and learn from. Maybe he could even enter if he is gonna be out there fishing anyway.

    I love Pool 5a, grew up there. It is a better largemouth Pool than 5 IMO, and than 6, though I haven’t fished 6 as much.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875


    Sounds good! I will make sure either Flick or I will show him a good time.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks for all the replies, my friend finally found a guide, he will be fishing with Lawrence Ecklor on Sunday, hopefully Dave or Lawrence will post here on how they did!

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Whoever recommended me thank you!! Can’t wait to hear the weights from Fountain City. Bass were working all day on Pool 6, and will do our best tommorrow on 6 and 5a. I’ll have to send some of our Pool 8 and 9 northern up this way to even things out, not many getting in the way today. Interesting mix of presentations today. Same types of structure required different presentations??? Lawrence

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    so how did you and Dave do on Sunday?

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Dave was quite a stick. It is definitely time for him to move over to the Pro side of things. He still enjoys every second of his fishing. I wish I had recorded our conversations during the day. We were both like two kids in a candy store. Bass Candy that is!!!! We have agreed to wait with details and pictures till after tourney next Saturday. Lawrence Click togo to guide pages

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