I survived the 3rd anual FTR get together!

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782


    another great time was had this year despite the (apparently now traditional!) rain…..

    I was fairly sure I would die of sheepshead poisoning or something equally gruesome (hmmm IS there anything equally gruesome!!??)……

    I stayed on and partied like a big dog until after 3 am…. then I jumped ship and headed home……..

    sooooooo Hawger…. dont we get anyT-shirts or hats or something that say “I survived the FTR get together??”

    but I guess we should shorten it….. hmmmmmm lets see…..

    we need a catchy acronym……….

    ummmmmmm how bout…..

    WALLEYE.. Wow Another Logically Located Everts Yearly Event…….

    STORM…. Sure To Obliterate River Men…..

    DRUNK… says it all I think.. this is NOT an acronym!! lol

    TART… Third Annual River Tourney……

    (oh boy.. cant wait till next years!! .. but then the Fourth and Fifth years will be the same… )

    well… Im SURE you all can think of many better ones!!……

    but Im still suffering from…… a headache…. no doubt from lack of sleep!!…… yeah.. thats the ticket….

    oh… and these acronyms are not meant to insult or degrade a great event… they are just the deranged maunderings of a suffering River Rat… meant only to bring a grin of remembrance to the participants… or perhaps a pang of grief to those who missed out on all the fun!!…..

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    Boy was that a GREAT TIME!!! I got to fish meet new guys from the board and then drink beers!! In that order! What a great time! I really had fun later in the day after the tourney and food was over! I’m Lucky I didn;t get a dwi on that golf cart! great to see everyone and thanks to e.f.n I am already looking towards next year’s party.. cya on the water!!! Having the party at evert’s really worked out great!!! Plenty of room and no police telling you to leave!

    Chisago Lakes Area
    Posts: 28

    I am still trying to survive the 3rd annual FTR get together. I don’t think a bottle of water nor the bottle of advil has left my side, since my departure. On another note, it was a great event….congratulations to all the winners, thank you to EFN staff and volunteers for putting together a great couple of days. The food, beer and comradery were great. I look forward to next years event.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Here is a group pic from the 3rd anual FTR Get Together.

    another asprin please


    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    I am not sure that I did survive… yet… I am still suffering. Not from the fine food and drinks… but the sun & heat! No, I did not stay up as long as some of you guys… but did go out fishing on Sunday… in that inferno-heat to fish with Mudlinthru. And boy, that drained me… and my poor doggie, Dolly. I had to hit the cool bath tub and get to bed once I arrived home… & never even un-packed… slept till next day, about 12 hours! Wow, though… I wish I could go again tomorow! Oh, what fun.
    Shirts, banners, and a huge flag saying
    “I Lived Thru
    Get-Togeather ‘ 02″
    is definately is in order.

    Posts: 121

    Where was I?Mazer why didnt you wake me up!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    The jury is still out on whether or not I survived. By the time I hit Austin, I was wishing we’d been struck by lightning.

    Great to meet everyone, and look forward to seeing y’all again.

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