You can’t fish here

  • Wingshooter
    MN Goodhue
    Posts: 43

    Just to let everyone know I have called the DNR and e-mailed everyone in the DNR Redwing shoes the legislature, we need to keep calling and e-mailing these people. Does anybody have any more info on the status of the gates. If they don’t come down are we as a group going to picket the gates by boat? Just let me know whats going on.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    You and a lot of folks out there missed the story. I think that was due to it coming out right tbefore the July 4 holiday. Beginning on Monday, I want to start another round of e-mails and calls to the DNR and Red Wing Shoes. I also want to try to get one of the local TV stations to pick up this story.

    Finally, I am looking for a lawyer who would be willing to take this case on pro-bono. I want to file a lawsuit against the DNR, Mr. Sweasey and Mr Buffalo. The gate will be removed.

    Right now we are getting blown off. They are hopeing we will just go away. WE WILL NOT!!

    Stay tuned.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Here is a reply I got from an email:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding the DNR allowing permits to gate
    off public waters on the St. Croix River.

    I talked with DNR Waters staff about this issue and have been told that the Department is taking action to revoke the gate approval on the St. Croix harbor. Though I am told the permit was to be issued as a 2-year pilot and that it was structured to allow public access with the use of a switch to
    open the gate, questions remain about the regulation of public waters in the state.

    Again, thank you for contacting me about this controversial issue.

    Dennis Ozment
    State Representative
    Chair of the Environment & Natural
    Resources Policy Committee

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I have recieved a few of these “Slippery” replies. When I follow up with such questions as “What does it mean to take action to revoke?” “How long does that take?” “Is the permit revoked or not?” “Will the gate be removed?” “When?” I get no answers.

    I want a reply that simply says “The permit is revoked” “The gate must be removed within XX days”

    An apology would also be nice, but I’m not holding my breath!

    This is not over yet. These people will be dragging thier feet for what I feel will be a long time. That gate cost a lot of money, I don’t think these people will cave easily. Prepare for a long fight here.


    Posts: 70

    First off,just because they got a temp permit from the dnr shoul,nt mean the end of the permit chain. Don,t they need a permit from the town or county to build it and have it inspected so that it meets code. I wonder if they got a building permit.second this group is smart they should be working for world com and enron,like jon stated their going to keep thier mouths shut and let the thjing fade away. I talked to a lawer freind of mine who is retired like me,he is sharp and has presented casses to the supreme court of the USA. He stated that when they got the permit and had time to build gate that you are looking at 5 to 7 yrs before this is settled. the gate is up and even if the DNR tells them either take it down or we,ll tear it down. they can get a injuntion from a judge and then sue The dnr on what they threatened to sue them before on,and after months and months of continuences the local court makes a disission if they loose they appeal and the process staarts again. the lawer stated hoever issued that permit should be gutted because the harbor assn lawer knew that once that gate was up he did,nt have to worry for along time about removing it.

    Posts: 53

    ‘… questions remain about the regulation of public waters in the state…” wow that statement alone made my stomach flip. Thanks to those who are keeping this issue current,please don’t give up. Keep letting this forum know what’s going on and what we can do to help. God bless you

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