backwater fishin’

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    my boat and i got in a little accident last week, cars fine but boat will be out of commision for a while. now all i have to fish with is a very tiny jon boat with nothing more than a trolling motor on it (defintly not the kind of rig you want to take out on the main channel). what i was wondering is if any one nows of i spot in the backwaters where i might get into some hot nothern or bass action? it has to be some where that doesn’t get a lot of big boat traffic otherwise the wakes will swamp me. this boat is so small i don’t really even need a landing, just a spot to get close to the water. remember all i have is a trolling motor so i don’t want to have to go very far from where i put in.

    Posts: 6

    What area (pool) are you looking to stay near? I know areas all up and down the river that would suite your needs.

    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    The Wilcox landing just South of Wabasha would be a good spot.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i live in rochester and i’m willing to go just about anywhere from redwing to winona. wilcox was actually the very first place i went. i did catch one little northern and had another one just about jump into the boat. also caught a few little bass. the only problem with that place is you get a lot of larger boats going through and i got dunked with water twice as a speeding boat went zipping by.

    Posts: 6

    If you get the chance try fishing at Redwing itself there is a section there that is all no wake with several back waters right close, or put in off from the dike road that crosses from Wabasha to WI (lots of back water areas).
    Good luck!

    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Try West NEwton or the “3 lakes” by Poineer!

    Jim W

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i’ve walked out along the dike by the 3 lakes but have never fished it. is there a place to put my little boat in on them.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    There is a public landing right across the road from the Pioneer Campsite. In order to get out of Clear Lake (the first lake) head to the southeast corner of the lake,. There is a small, short opening that you may have to row thru depending on the water level. It is usually marked with some sort of reflector (put there byu the duck hunbters that go out in the dark). Once thru that you can get to any of the finger lakes.

    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    Try Chester Woods ..some guy caught a 5Lb..9 OZ large mouth From the boat landing…3 weeks ago…You can only run a trolling motor there …so no worrys on swamping…Also loaded with crappies and sunnys/bluegills


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