LaCrosse Walleye Tourn.

  • fishsjj
    Posts: 38

    I’m sure some of you have read the article by Bob Lamb in the LaCrosseTrib. this past Thursday (5th) in the Outdoor section.

    I am referring to the walleye tournament that will happen later this month. It has been changed from a “catch and release” to a “catch and kill.”

    They are expecting 200 to 250 anglers. I believe it is a 4 day tournament (maybe only 3?). Anyhow, it has the potential of removing upwards of 4000 legal size walleyes from the Mississippi River around LaCrosse.

    This bothers me a great deal as a fisherman who fishes the Miss. around LaCrosse. I realize that the fish are going to be donated to the food pantry (that’s good), but I feel that is way too many fish to lose in the fishery.

    As far as I’m concerned, the main reason to have these tournaments is the money they bring in to the area. That in itself is okay, but when it involves a major loss of fish, I have trouble with that. I guess my position on tournaments in general (major ones, not local ones) is a negative one. I have always felt that it is hard on the fish population being pursued. I enjoy fishing for pleasure and not competively.

    Any way, I just wondered if anyone else is having any of the same thoughts as I am. I guess I did not know that tournaments could be “catch and kill.”

    I wish Bob Lamb (and others)would not be such a big promoter of fishing tournaments.

    Just my 2 cents.



    Here is the link to that article:

    Fishing for keeps

    In Defense of the RCL, they did re-schedule this event which was post poned in May due to the flood. What are they supposed to do? They had no choice. I am not all that nuts about it either but the show will go on. Also, remember, all pools are open I believe so a large portion of these fish may be caught in pools 7, 8 or 9. Bob Lamb a tournament advocate? Ive always been under the impression he is against Walleye tournaments but OK with Bass tournaments. If this thing would have gone off in May it would have been a phenomenal opportunity for this community to embrace competitive walleye angling. Now, were looking at a controversy and a big circuit like the RCL looking the other direction next time La Crosse is even considered. I dont know, I really enjoy tournament fishing but Im afraid this could get ugly around these parts. Id like to see some hard facts presented by resource professionals that can let us concerned anglers who use this resource know what kind of impact killing that many fish in 4 days will have on these waters. I may opt out of this event to avoid contributing directly to possibly damaging the resource I have come to know and love. If anyone can answer these questions please do.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    I just read the article in my opinion that is just a shame that all of thoose nice eye’s will have to be slaughtered even though it is supposed to be for a good cause. I give anyone who pulls out of this tournement a thumbs up! But I guess I wouldn’t think anything less of a person if they didn’t either. To some people this tournament is their job and means of support to make a living.

    Just one man’s opinion, I am sure this thread will raise a few eye browes! I look forward to hearing what other people have to say about this.


    Onalaska Wi
    Posts: 4

    Why should the RCL care about our fishery, they have plenty of other places just dying for them to come to town so why will they feel bad about taking a couple thousand pounds out of these pools, next year they can just go to 10,11,12 or wherever, but why is the DNR mandating this? How about if it is going to be a kill tournament make it a 3 fish limit, I dont know, I was worried when I heard this tournament was being rescheduled to July but now I am more than worried, all this after we had excellent spawning conditions this spring with the river closed for almost a month so they could do it in peace, I guess we may as well keep some fish to eat the next few weeks because alot of them are going to be butchered at the end of the month.

    Had to vent


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I guess I can understand some of the logic behind kill tournaments…. or perhaps I should clarify that first statement a bit by saying it would seem better to me to make use of fish caught in a tournament when their chance of survival after weigh-in and release is intollerably low with water temps pushing 80 degress that time of year. I promise you that having hundreds of dead walleye floating around the release area would generate a much longer lasting negative opinion of this tournament, and tournaments in general, than these newly issued “kill tourney” rules ever could.

    In a perfect world we’d only hold tournaments early and late in the season and due to cold water temps and perfect angler equipment and care, all fish would live to see another day. This isn’t the case however and since the DNR has decided to grant the permit, the kill tournament provision makes the most sense out of a tough situation.

    Here’s a second and totally different question…

    Has anyone else noticed that the angler turnout is MUCH lower at tournaments, all tournaments it seems, this year as opposed to years prior. The RCL has yet to fill a field and the MWC is off 50, 60, or more teams from a ‘full field’ that they typically filled in the past. Too many tournaments? A slightly tougher economic environment? Or did a noticeable portion of the tournament anglers simply get their ‘belly’s fill’ of tournament fishing and just decide to stay home and fish for fun? Any and all opinions welcomed.

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    James makes an interesting point about the mortality rates in hot summer conditions. The decision does make sense, but it’s hard to argue with a vote to just deny the permit! There are better ways to support a food shelf. There is no sense in damaging fisheries whether you do it for a living or not. Choking your sources of livelihood is like a bullet in your own foot! Sooner or later, you won’t have a leg to stand on.

    Look what they did to Mille Lacs in the name of “harvest numbers”. Granted, a deeper look says that math doesn’t add up, but with that much water and area, after recording more than one third of the desired harvest in the first leg of the season, they changed all the rules. But they can allow an even greater slaughter like this in a smaller area and play it as “the best option”? I just don’t agree folks! If you truly believe in preservation, I think this tourney needs to be avoided and a WHOLE LOT of voices heard. I would suffer greatly…………..personally, but a license purchase boycott by the multitudes of anglers would drive home a serious message.

    The abilities to fish out a resource like the Mississippi would be difficult, but time with repeated offerings like this one have the potential to change everything. So what is it? Address it now and maybe do something about it or wait ’til it’s too late and complain like the Mille Lacs patrons?

    It’s a tough call but always remember, hindsight is 20/20 and always criticizes the “man in the mirror”.

    Posts: 780

    After reading over the posts… I would like to ask if you all can please try to read “The Sportsman’s View” in this August issue of Sports Afield.

    I feel that this tournament issue is a prime reason that “anglers need to quit drifting around and start pulling hard in the same direction”.

    Personally, I feel that if any fishery can “survive” the preshure of a tournament, let it happen. The area affected will eventually rebound. If not, and the area fish population will be devistated and not be able to recover, then stop it.

    The trouble is, the stopping of it. “We” gotta be carefull what all “we” can get stopped. Some day, all tournaments may be banned. Soon there may be no more lead use in fishing (and those jigs will cost double what they are now). The time may be comming that there is no more catch and release, as it is now in Germany (you catch a fish and it must go in your creel – no throwing back or culling). One day there could be manditory slot limits nation wide.

    If the activists have it their way, there will be a day when there is no more fishing at all, because of the pain the fish must endure.

    A hard look at what may come, and I must hope that all stays the same. I want no changes that happen to affect any rules or laws that govern our fishing today. The sad fact is that we will all continue to be devided and pull in different directions, and watch it all evolve into what ever the anti-fishing movment can achieve with their government pull in their direction and big lobby money.

    Now a moment of prayer… Ahmen

    Hoggie Hoggard


    hoggie makes some good points. another thing to consider is although a great number of fish may be taken, it is any different then when regular anglers take limits of fish day after day from feb. to apr. my point is the fish is gone either way. its just that the tourny is high profile. i am not saying that i am all for the tourny kill, but it bothers me just as much to see anglers keep every thing they catch in the spring. i agree we as anglers have to stay together as hoggie stated.

    thanks, don

    Posts: 780

    Thanks Don. Seriously, we can as individuals do little about the future of fishing. Just doing out part to keep it friendly and teach the fishing edicate to the kids.

    I’ll share one. I turned in a poacher two weeks before Bass season, city cops caught him with a 5lb. bass in his trunk, no fishing license, no drivers license, no insurance, on probation, and trying to resist arrest by outrunning the cops. This guy had a ten year boy with him at the time. What do you think he was teaching this lad? He got a plea bargan and both the MN State charges were dropped! The public attourney said while on probation these charges would have sent him back to prison, thus costing the tax payers more money so they alowed a plea! I came un-glued….

    Today is yesterday’s future and today is good! And the efforts we do now to teach the younger generation now will pay off as it has for our parents and for-fathers, in keeping fishing good. The internet will help to educate millions in our near future. Thank the Lord that there are great places like and folks like all of us on board, and visitors to come and see whazz up.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    My concern about a tourney of this type would not be the numbers of fish removed, rather the potential numbers of large fish removed. Those fish will not be around to breed or be available for future C&R.

    Just my opinion…would like to see a tourney like this impose their own slot…only 1 over 24 or something.

    Posts: 80

    Well I wasn’t going to touch this I have to clarify something. There will be around 100-110 teams. Each team is allowed 5 fish. So that works out to be 500 to 550 max each day of the first two days. The third day there are now 60 boats at 5 eyes. 300 fish. The last day 12 boats at 5 eyes. 60 fish. So that works out at a max of 1450 fish. That is a drop in the bucket compared to what is taken in the spring by fisherman at the dams. Now I am in no way in favor of catch and kill tourneys. I think it is bad but the timing is as it is. Yes they could possible lower the bag limit to help reduce the numbers. I never keep any fish for myself so this does upset me but I figure the amount of fish I release in a years worth of walleye fishing will make up for my share and other peoples share that will be donated to a good cause.

    If you want to really stir the pot than people should pay more attention to the guys that go out day after day and bring home there limits of eyes. I am talking all summer long.

    These are just my thoughts, everyone is entitiled to an opinion.




    Thanks for sharing that. Dont ever feel apprehensive about posting here for any reason. I think most anglers that visit here are selective harvesters and we have a variety of serious tourny anglers that hang out here as well as guides and weekend warriors as well so the range of opinion is pretty broad.

    I like your numbers better than the numbers that Bob Lamb reported in the Tribune last week!

    Again, thanks for sharing.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I will probably be fishing as a co-angler in this event. I disagree with the catch and kill, but find it hard to make decisions for fisheries biologists, and DNR, whose lifes work is to make harvest and management decisions. It’s no secret that I am deeply involved in tournament fishing , but it may come as a surprise to some of you that starting this year I am again a meat eater. Still have the same rules,i.e. let walleyes between 20 inches and 11lbs. go, while food fishing, although there is information that supports exactly the opposite( 15-20 inch fish are actually the best breeders). Actually this puts me in that category of fishermen that “try to take their 6 fish limit home each day”, as Bear commented and he may be right regarding this having a larger impact on the fisheries than tourneys. I have heard DNR folks echo his thoughts. I also encourage my guide customers to do the same. The reasons for the change is simple, I love the taste of walleye and sauger and am frankly sick of seeing 90% of the fishermen around me enjoying a meal of fresh fish while my family of 7 doesn’t. Have I sold out ?? Maybe, but along with this I am repeatedly told that the resource is nearly limitless.

    Does that mean I’m right ? Maybe not, but as I read other posts, ( those of you that really know me know), I respect the opinions, and learn everyday from the posts. Am I sure that this tourney will not harm the fishery. Ofcource not. Do I think it will, no. Would I personnally always opt for catch and release? No actually I think the participants should always be allowed to make that choice for themselves. If they like, take them home to eat . One of Peta’s number one stones has always been catch and release. Lawrence Ecklor

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    you know, for some reason I get the unlimited resource impression when talking to the DNR about river walleyes…. or maybe its not so much that as they feel that fishing pressure is NOT the main factor regulating walleye populations on the river…… would be interesting to chat with a couple of them and see what their thoughts are regarding some of these “questions”……


    Very well stated Lawrence, you make very good points. The thing that scares me the most about this tourney is that nobody really knows for sure and someone in the media or elsewhere is going to blow it out of proportion and the knee jerk reaction by the “Purists” (those that are against tournament fishing but keep every walleye regardless of size) will react as if the participants and directors are destroying the resource. I too like to take a couple home now and then.

    Again thanks for weighing in on this discussion its a complicated one and I thought you made some good points.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff


    It would be interesting to get fishsqzr’s (john pitlo) impression on this. John is a very highly respected dnr person from pool 13 right Rivereyes?

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yes, in fact when this post first came up I shot John an email, he has not got back to me yet.. but Im sure he will soon, (its the vacation time of year you know!)…….. plus I have more DNR contacts with river walleye experience I may give them a call…… just to get an idea what they think….. though, similar to your reservations about telling people what certain tourney anglers are using… guess I will “interview” them for the FTR board…… so what I will relay is what the stated DNR posistion is….

    Posts: 3

    I myself signed up for this tournament back in March as a co-angler.Had I known at that time it was to be a “kill” tourney I wouldn’t have entered.But at this stage of the game no refunds are possible, I will not throw away $ like that.The DNR made this decision NOT the folks from RCL.I do understand the reasoning behind making this a kill tourney, but I do not feel very good about being a part of it.I enter 1 walleye tourney and it’s changed to a kill tourney…..I’ll apologize now.Being a co-angler is like buying a lottery ticket you roll the dice and hope.

    Posts: 3

    Hi Guys,

    I will be fishing in two weeks and can tell you first hand that all of the pros would rather have a release tournament but we don’t have a choice. We very rarley keep any fish pre fishing and always practice conservation. I have children that love to fish!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I don’t think anyone’s blaming the anglers. It’s those in control of the regulations and issuance of such activity. But if rules were stood up to and no one participated, well………….I don’t know that it would solve anything but it would get good and noticed.

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