Digtal cameras

    Posts: 780

    I hope this post is not too far off fishing. I love to see the picture attachments on the posts and reports. I want to get going on this myself to share my experiences too. I got a new Dell P.C with lots of power etc..and the Windows XP format(I am still a rookie). I’d like some feedback on a reasonably priced, (USER FRIENDLY!!)digital camera for taking grab shots on the boat and sending them Email. We’ve got wonderful fishing in the rivers and lakes up here in N.E. Wisconsin and the U.P. and I’d like to share those. I’ve just started to come over to the Lake Pepin area recently and absolutely love it. My daughter relocated to Stillwater two years ago. I fortunately found James Holst via the internet, booked a trip, and the romance with the River and FTR began.

    Menasha, Wi.
    Posts: 17

    Hope you get some good replys to your post. I am also interested in digital cameras. But, you ask for a tall order – user friendly. To me the only thing that is user friendly is what the good Lord gave us – fingers, toes, mouth, etc. and we didn’t need a manual to figure them out.
    Happy fishing

    Posts: 18

    the coolpix 775 is the way to go.for $399.00 you get alot charger & battery,8mb flash card not all units come with this stuff.you can also buy a sandisk imagemate for your flashcard.all at bestbuy.com hope this helps.

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    There are many good camera’s on the market. I have a Kodak DC215 zoom Digital and it seems to do the trick. Check out some web spots that compare Digital camera’s. You’ll get a good idea of what is available and the average price. Try to get one with computer interface cables (most come with them)and you’ll need a charger for the batteries also.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    when your talking digital cameras they are still in a steady evolution… kind of like computers or anything else digital.. wait a year and there will be bigger and better for the same money….. my biggest beef with them is the ones Ive used eat batteries like candy, then they have no power left when its time to take a shot.. that seems to be the tradeoff for not needing film… unless you get some good rechargeables and make sure you have spares when you need em digitals can be pretty frustrating…. but there are some very cheap ones out there and if your only interested in internet pix and not creating your own photo quality prints (very expensive!) you just might be able to get that to work.. the digital is great for quick though… take your shots.. upload them to your computer upload them to the internet and your in business….

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    I use a Kodak DX3900 w/optical and digital zoom. 3.1 megapixel. I bought mine a Sams Club for 349.00 which came with a 16 MB card, programming disk and a rechargeable dock. The same camera at Best Buy was 429.00 plus you have to buy all the extras. ALso if you buy a 128MB card, Sams costed 49.00 where Best Buy was 79.00. I hope this helps.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Olympus D-490 Zoom….Hands down the best camera for the price…and If I can use it any one can .Just ask James if the camera works !!!


    mn. anoka co. forest lake
    Posts: 19

    Hi I have a Kodak DX3500, the cheapest one I think, under $3oo. It works just fine,I have what they call a camera dock for it, charges and push one button and it`s in the computer. It`s all in how much you want to spend,Ishot a sunrise and printed it on 8×10 glossy paper and it came out perfect. Go to wallmart home page and you can read all about them and what each one does.And of course you get the software to program your computer also.Hope this helps

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I’d have to agree with Rivereyes – if all you want is to upload pictures to the web, you can get something with 640×480 or poorer res for under $50 from Amazon or buy.com. I have one that I paid $25 for that is 340×200, and it’s good enough for ‘show off’ pictures. I also carry a ‘real’ cam though, since the truly big fish pics go into the album.

    If you’re hooked on digital, my sister has had a Sony Mavica for almost 5 years now, and she absolutely loves it. It has both memory sticks and floppy drive (so you can get the pics off on any PC without the special drive), takes the same battery as my camcorder, which lasts about 3 weeks for her. She’s a realtor, so she takes plenty-o-pictures with it in that time, always using the floppy (more battery drain than the stick) so that she can give copies to her clients.

    I might worry about the floppy drive for a ‘fishing cam’ since it would be prone to getting sand and dirt in there and goofing it up, but if I were considering a high-dollar digital, the Mavica would be the one I would compare others to.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    can I ask you how much you paid for your Olympus, and how is it on batteries?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I paid $399.00 for it and the batteries last a LONG time . Its important to get the right batteries when you buy a camera. I use rechargable batteries , Its important to get the most powerfull rechargable batteries they sell.$10.00 for four .If you would like more specifics let me know and I’d be glad to help.


    Clemson, SC
    Posts: 53

    Just got a DC a couple weeks ago as a gift so the family can see pics of my baby boy. The camera is an Olympus D-520zoom and it has worked great as far as ease of use and picture quality (2.0 megapixel). It came with a 16MB smartcard and software for the harddrive-easy to install and load/unload pics. Batteries are a problem, so Ive heard, and I am looking to purchase some rechargable ones. From what I have gathered Olympus has excellent service assistance if that is ever needed. Some items to consider that others have pointed out are; memory card capacity, zoom capability, viewfinder & display screen, pic quality, and the ability to transfer images from your memory card without using your camera (easier on batteries). Some great posts by others hope this helps.

    Posts: 85

    I must chime in on the Olympus as well. I have the 490 zoom and for the last two yrs have taken thousands of pictures with it. I paid 399 for it back then and never regret doing it. I researched for a yr before plunking down my hard earned but its awesome. Far away distance pics of detail are not great but for that I have a 35mm cam with a 400mm zoom lens. The battery use on this cam is unbelievable. You can buy the Olympus battery packs at best buy for 28 bucks, but I go to walmart and buy the energizer lithium ion batteries in a 4 pak for sub ten bucks. I estimate that I can get about 250 to 300 pics off a set of batteries. A buddy has a sony mavica with floppy drive, which is handy, but quality of pics does not campare to the Olympus.
    Hope this helps.

    Posts: 3681

    gramba: im on my second digetal have a fujie 2800 $400 its nice! everyone likes the one they have! i sugest you get on the net. and compare them.then make your choice.get it soon we all like to see pics of big fish!! Dek

    Elk River,MN
    Posts: 29

    Just an idea but if you go to C-Net.com you can look at all the user reveiws from Cameras to PC’s. They let you know what cameras are good for outdoor or better for indoor pics. Also some cameras go through batteries very fast. You also will likely want a camera that works from a USB port for downloading vesus a serial port much, much faster. Just my $0.02 worth

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    Checkout the Kodak Easyshare line. You don’t really need to go over 2 Megapixel unless you want really big prints. I would also recommend rechargable NIMH batteries they make a world of difference. Also buy a compact flashcard reader (if your camera uses it for memory) ~$20 It’s a lot faster than downloading from the camera itself. The cheapest place online I found was http:\\www.buydig.com I have the Kodak DX5000 weatherproof camera which is bigger than the normal digital cam but for the outdoors it ROCKS! I’ve never taken so many pix in my life, basically the more you take the less the camera cost! You can print the ones you like after sorting them out.


    Clemson, SC
    Posts: 53

    Found energizer rechargable Nimh 1700 batteries(8) + charger for $20 at Sams

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