Circle Hooks

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    This is mostly a “tangent” follow up from the Croix muskies post, but there may be others interested.

    I found the circle hooks I was looking for. Galyans carries the Eagle Claw 702’s in sizes 2 through 4/0. They’re nickel plated and are $2.99/10pk. Gamakatsu also had some 4/0 and 5/0 sizes available. The 4/0 were $2.19/6pk and the 5/0 were $2.99/6pk. Gamakatsu’s were also available in sizes 8 to 1 for $2.49/10pk. Vandium (VERY good hooks) also have them available in sizes 8 to 1/0 for $3.49/14pk.

    For anyone remotely interested in increasing their hooking percentage, boating percentage, and almost ALWAYS hooking the fish in the lip (97.7% in studies), drop some chump change and give them a whirl! I’ll be trying the #8’s on panfish soon and I’ll give a report on how well they will/won’t help with the “kiddies” and deep hooksets.

    Stillaposting Windbag

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