Fillet keep time?

  • MikeT1
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 68

    I caught and fillet a few walleyes 1 week ago and put them is my refrigerator. I didn’t want to freeze them because I wanted to eat them when they were fresh as possible. I keep saying I will cook them tommorrow, I swear I will do it tommorrow and now 7 days has gone by. My refrigerator is pretty cold, around 33-35 degrees. Do you think these fillets are still ok to eat if they were never frozen? Thanks for everybody’s input! Mike T.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Let your nose be your guide.

    Hager City, WI
    Posts: 475

    I would not eat them… I hate to waste great fillets as much as the next guy… but is it worth getting sick from some sort of food poisining thing…. if you have them sitting in salt water then,… GO for it!! but otherwise throw them.. I have ate them after about 5,6 days at the longest… they are probally fine but why risk it

    Posts: 77

    MIke T.

    A rule of thumb on food. When in doubt toss it out. There is no reason to get sick or worse.

    rochester mn
    Posts: 15

    Eat up, there good for a few more days yet as long as they don’t stink.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Definitely use your nose! But if they aren’t developing a bad odor, proper cooking will kill anything that’ll threaten your health. Think of pork chops……….we’d never eat them if the only way was raw! Proper cooking is key whether they’re fresh or a few days old. I’ve had week old fish before from the same temperature range and been just fine……….but you be the judge and pay attention to common sense if you discover ANYTHING uncommon.

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